Not wanting to appear ignorant, I googled AFF to see what the fuss was about.
Anal Fisting has never really been an interest of mine. 
Perhaps it would help if you ever need to dig shit out of your ass when constipated.

You cannot control what you do not own.
Reading this, I'm struck by how so many of you depend on Gareth and Amy. To some degree you seem to realise this is the case but all it takes is the flip of a coin.
I have on occasion thought about what would happen here if I was struck by a car one day. Not that I'm important; I'm not, but the fact is that I pay for the hosting and the domain name, which means that if I disappear it would be hard for anyone to take over the place.
If I leave this place voluntarily, I know I'll hand it over to someone before I leave and hope they'll do the same, eventually. It's the decent thing to do. But people disappear all the time. Callaway, for one, and I really miss her, and I'm worried about her.
So, what to do?
It's pretty selfish of Gareth and Amy to shut down AFF because they got butthurt. Why not simply hand it over to someone else?
Hope you'll stay healthy, and your jag too.
Do you have any contact with Parts or Ren, or any other I2 member outside I2?
Why don't you put it in your will?
That would take a while. I don't know how long probate takes in Sweden. Better to leave word with a business associate or trustworthy loved one.

I imagine that this forum takes some work to keep operational.
If the AFF forum really was run by histrionic capricious cunts as has been alleged here I have no idea why anyone would want to go back there again for more of the same but I suppose it is a better deal than paying a mistress $150 a half hour to be abused.
If the worst that happens in a person's life in 2013 is having a favorite forum shut down, versus say a death in the family or the dog dies, than that would not seem like such a horrid year from my perspective. There are a few people here that I am not already in touch with elsewhere that I would want to stay in touch with but overall my life would not go to shit if I2 ceased to exist. YMMV.
There are some members on AFF who are not on I2 because they're underage or not intense enough. It would be nice to have contact with them.