
Author Topic: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!  (Read 17933 times)

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #345 on: August 16, 2013, 04:21:01 PM »
It is Richard.

The regular I2 Richard, not that other Richard.

...No, I'm Richard. How many fucking Richards are there on here?

He's the one who's incredibly fond of his willy.  :laugh:

Looking at the situation as an outside observer, only continuing the forum rather than starting anew will only have the same problems arise again sooner or later. Having to redo everything might be hassle, but it would ensure stability for AFF.

IMO, I think it's also a chance for it to change its reputation too, because as fair as I'm concerned, the current AFF is an absolute joke.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #346 on: August 16, 2013, 04:24:31 PM »
It is Richard.

The regular I2 Richard, not that other Richard.

...No, I'm Richard. How many fucking Richards are there on here?

Fire agate Richard. Cock avi richard.

I am assuming these are...different...people?

Same person. Richard Benson was MLA's favorite target. He was Fire Agate on AFF.


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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #347 on: August 16, 2013, 04:25:54 PM »
I'm sure you the people in the water that got a little wet will forge a new forum. and pekajedi will still remain relevant, however I fail to see how skyblue makes out. I would be upset if I donated money, and even if my donation was offered back to me. because now what? the place I paid for in advance is gone.

I bet there buying shit with your donation, maybe some baby clothes? we want to know how much you gave them.


No, I genuinely cannot be fucked. I spent 8 years on AFF and I really, really can't muster up enough of a damn to get settled on another forum. I certainly don't want to run another one - I had AFF running just so, proper transparency, proper procedures for banning, proper logging...all gone.

The donation money went straight to the provider as account credit.


Er, the hosting provider, that is.

You've seen lots of shit happening there, and you have tried to save the place more than once, getting quite some flak for it from different sides.
Sad to see a place completely gone that once meant a lot to me. I'm sorry for you to see it go, you were there so much longer than I was. You grew up there. And, what I have seen from you there, you gave all you had to offer.
Cannot imagine you ever getting so involved with a forum again.
Do hope to see you drop by here now and then though. Just for the fun of it, and for some "faces" from the past.

^Well put. I agree, I hope you drop in now and again.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #348 on: August 16, 2013, 04:29:31 PM »
You cannot control what you do not own.

Reading this, I'm struck by how so many of you depend on Gareth and Amy. To some degree you seem to realise this is the case but all it takes is the flip of a coin.

I have on occasion thought about what would happen here if I was struck by a car one day. Not that I'm important; I'm not, but the fact is that I pay for the hosting and the domain name, which means that if I disappear it would be hard for anyone to take over the place.

If I leave this place voluntarily, I know I'll hand it over to someone before I leave and hope they'll do the same, eventually. It's the decent thing to do. But people disappear all the time. Callaway, for one, and I really miss her, and I'm worried about her.

So, what to do?

It's pretty selfish of Gareth and Amy to shut down AFF because they got butthurt. Why not simply hand it over to someone else?

Hope you'll stay healthy, and your jag too.

Do you have any contact with Parts or Ren, or any other I2 member outside I2?
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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #349 on: August 16, 2013, 04:29:40 PM »
You cannot control what you do not own.

Reading this, I'm struck by how so many of you depend on Gareth and Amy. To some degree you seem to realise this is the case but all it takes is the flip of a coin.

I have on occasion thought about what would happen here if I was struck by a car one day. Not that I'm important; I'm not, but the fact is that I pay for the hosting and the domain name, which means that if I disappear it would be hard for anyone to take over the place.

If I leave this place voluntarily, I know I'll hand it over to someone before I leave and hope they'll do the same, eventually. It's the decent thing to do. But people disappear all the time. Callaway, for one, and I really miss her, and I'm worried about her.

So, what to do?

It's pretty selfish of Gareth and Amy to shut down AFF because they got butthurt. Why not simply hand it over to someone else?

If any of us would get to know you were struck by that car, there would at least be the option to prepare for a moving out or so.

The way Amy and Gareth control everything, while claiming to be a community, is what makes it extra sore. They keep members from getting contact details of people they love to talk to.
It says something about the power of that community that AFF bounced back into shape after every massive meltdown it had. Gareth and Amy should have handed it over to someone else indeed, if they even remotely meant that the community they provided space for meant something.

Which is exactly what I mean. You cannot control what you don't own.

A lot of people get butthurt over the internet, me included. The difference is that most of us get over it. In the vast majority of the cases it's just the internet being the internet, and all it takes is a reality check. In a select few cases it's more but I don't get the impression it is the case here.

I don't know what actually is the case here, of course, but I think they both should have a think about this.

I know you are reading this, btw.
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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #350 on: August 16, 2013, 04:31:55 PM »
I know you are reading this, btw.
I wonder what is different this time. Why the meltdown this time does lead to a final ending of AFF.
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Offline odeon

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #351 on: August 16, 2013, 04:38:31 PM »
Do you have any contact with Parts or Ren, or any other I2 member outside I2?

Not the way I used to. Parts, to some small extent. What's important is that he can actually download a copy of the db if he wants to. I'm not sure he realises it, though. :laugh:

Which is all it takes, really. Set up SMF somewhere, upload a backup, run a script to repair pointers and such, and off you go. The domain would be different but the data would be intact.

There would probably be more tinkering to make everything work but essentially all it takes is a backup of the db.
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Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #352 on: August 16, 2013, 04:42:47 PM »
Do you have any contact with Parts or Ren, or any other I2 member outside I2?

Not the way I used to. Parts, to some small extent. What's important is that he can actually download a copy of the db if he wants to. I'm not sure he realises it, though. :laugh:

Which is all it takes, really. Set up SMF somewhere, upload a backup, run a script to repair pointers and such, and off you go. The domain would be different but the data would be intact.

There would probably be more tinkering to make everything work but essentially all it takes is a backup of the db.

QV mentioned somewhere that she had asked a friend to tell us on I2 if something bad would happen to her. Not a bad idea. Though I would not know what friend I would ask to do that for me. Maybe I could slip in an address of an I2 member in my address book, so, if ever something bad would happen, they'd get a card.
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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #353 on: August 16, 2013, 04:43:44 PM »
I know you are reading this, btw.
I wonder what is different this time. Why the meltdown this time does lead to a final ending of AFF.

I would like to know this as well.

The amount of shit I've put up with for those guys, not the least of it here, you'd think they'd give me enough respect to at least explain it to me or...but no. I just get told that they're sick of the drama and that they've received death threats.
Well so did I when I was running AFF, and one of them had my address and real name on. Nobody who was questioning the decision to ban Bloke would have made such a threat to them, so if the threat happened it came from somebody like MadMick.

I still consider Gareth my friend, but I am bitter as fuck over this, and even though we're still talking off-forum and off-IRC, I think I've made it clear that I feel extremely betrayed. I put my all into the running of that forum, and in return I've been treated like shit.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #354 on: August 16, 2013, 04:46:23 PM »
Not wanting to appear ignorant,  I googled AFF to see what the fuss was about.

Anal Fisting has never really been an interest of mine. ::)
blah blah blah

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #355 on: August 16, 2013, 04:46:55 PM »
I know you are reading this, btw.
I wonder what is different this time. Why the meltdown this time does lead to a final ending of AFF.

I know how fed up you can be with providing a board like this. It's one thing to have disagreements and flamewars and trolls, and another to have people attacking you directly, or maybe your loved ones. I can't answer for them but I'd bet on the reason having to do with some of the above.

Which is one reason to why I think a community sockpuppet is a bad idea. It gets personal and ugly because it's a place to hide. In a way it is the antithesis of what this place should be about.
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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #356 on: August 16, 2013, 04:48:13 PM »
Do you have any contact with Parts or Ren, or any other I2 member outside I2?

Not the way I used to. Parts, to some small extent. What's important is that he can actually download a copy of the db if he wants to. I'm not sure he realises it, though. :laugh:

Which is all it takes, really. Set up SMF somewhere, upload a backup, run a script to repair pointers and such, and off you go. The domain would be different but the data would be intact.

There would probably be more tinkering to make everything work but essentially all it takes is a backup of the db.

QV mentioned somewhere that she had asked a friend to tell us on I2 if something bad would happen to her. Not a bad idea. Though I would not know what friend I would ask to do that for me. Maybe I could slip in an address of an I2 member in my address book, so, if ever something bad would happen, they'd get a card.

It is a very good idea. the same goes with any people you care about.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #357 on: August 16, 2013, 04:50:52 PM »
On the other hand, people do live, after a forum stops to exist. And, we would notice you being gone for an extended time. I guess Parts would realise then that making a good back-up, and forming a back-up plan would be wise.

Best of all, just keep yourself and your jag healthy.
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Offline Bastet

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #358 on: August 16, 2013, 04:51:54 PM »
I know you are reading this, btw.
I wonder what is different this time. Why the meltdown this time does lead to a final ending of AFF.

I would like to know this as well.

The amount of shit I've put up with for those guys, not the least of it here, you'd think they'd give me enough respect to at least explain it to me or...but no. I just get told that they're sick of the drama and that they've received death threats.
Well so did I when I was running AFF, and one of them had my address and real name on. Nobody who was questioning the decision to ban Bloke would have made such a threat to them, so if the threat happened it came from somebody like MadMick.

I still consider Gareth my friend, but I am bitter as fuck over this, and even though we're still talking off-forum and off-IRC, I think I've made it clear that I feel extremely betrayed. I put my all into the running of that forum, and in return I've been treated like shit.

MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!! And lo and behold he crawls out from under his rock when this crap is happening.

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

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Re: Quick Gareth!!! Someone is talking shit about AFF and Amy!
« Reply #359 on: August 16, 2013, 04:52:59 PM »
On the other hand, people do live, after a forum stops to exist. And, we would notice you being gone for an extended time. I guess Parts would realise then that making a good back-up, and forming a back-up plan would be wise.

Best of all, just keep yourself and your jag healthy.


But friends matter, which is why it should never have to end in something like the current AFF drama.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein