Just an observation on my part but I can remember when AP apparently "sold out" to AS. I was pissed off, and angry.
Said I would never post on his website again, etc. Then, when I actually investigated for myself what actually was happening, and found out he didn't sell his website to them I went back.
It only takes one person to accuse someone of something in a group of people for them to start getting the pitchforlks. not saying that this is what is happening here, but I think its a well known fact that Sir Les is basking in the recent developments here.
I'm sure if the Nelsons opened AFF back up tomorrow you would be content with going back there. and resuming whatever relationships you had there
Its because there are two meanings of the phrase "sold out" one is a figurative meaning and the other a metaphorical meaning.
If someone sells out to big business it may mean they divest themselves of all their small business assets to the big business in question. It may also mean they have no longer tried to fight against or condemn them and are now "on side". That is another meaning of the word sell out.
Now I bring this up to show you of an example of you touting what you know as fact and making an asshat of yourself through nasty combination of stupidity and ignorance.
It was not the only time you did this in the post is it ricky. Do you need someone to explain the others?
Settle down negro from down under. I think everyone knows your relationship with the Nelsons
It shocks nobody that the ensuing drama between you and them has imploded AFF
I think you are mostly sad about causing the drama though. I'm sure you know if you tried such antics over yonder you wouldn't have the time of day. so this makes you sad,

I don't really know Amy or Gareth and never had any meaningful conversations with them. I guess you can claim victory however for making some "crazy" bitch finally snap
way to go.
MY observations are irrelevant, but most likely True.