Do you have any contact with Parts or Ren, or any other I2 member outside I2?
Not the way I used to. Parts, to some small extent. What's important is that he can actually download a copy of the db if he wants to. I'm not sure he realises it, though. 
Which is all it takes, really. Set up SMF somewhere, upload a backup, run a script to repair pointers and such, and off you go. The domain would be different but the data would be intact.
There would probably be more tinkering to make everything work but essentially all it takes is a backup of the db.
I still have all the directions and such in a text file in my I2 folder on my desktop to do that just never realized it would be that easy to start over just in case it's good to know

This whole thread is disturbing for one I can't believe just what assholes people can be and for people they insisted they were trying to help.
Secondly that in a thread on I2 that's over 20 pages no one has yet to post tits

This must be rectified