It would seem her level of abhorrence in me matches mine of her.
OMG Les. If you truly abhor me, then perhaps you need to stop taking internet warz so seriously
ab·hor (b-hôr)
tr.v. ab·horred, ab·hor·ring, ab·hors
To regard with horror or loathing; detest:
I dislike you. I think you're creepy and weird. I think you're a bit thick, and completely lacking in self-awareness.
However, the day I start to abhor someone on a forum, is the day I know I need to go to my doctor for happy pills.
Well done Butterflies. An exercise in semantics. Failed.
Why? Even with the benefit of a dictionary you have done what exactly?
You had abhorrence defined and then said to what degree you disliked me.
I had said I abhorred you to the same level. So what level of abhorrence is that? Either you don't or you do just a little. I still say
It would seem her level of abhorrence in me matches mine of her.
Semantics, huh? LOL
So go on, off to get some happy pills.