Exactly like public schools in the United States. Do Americans have the viewpoint of paying for their education, or do they think it's free and their basic human right?
I guess this is a pretty good analogy. I think most people think healthcare to some extent is free, they can just end up in the emergency room for treatment. The problem is preventative care is more cost effective than say when you let a disease get out of control requiring a visit to the ER. Most people, (especially Conservatives) have a viewpoint of "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" kind of mentality which would be fine, but what if you don't have any boots to pick yourself up from?
since most of these people are of the flock of going to church. Have you ever attended a church service? most of it is nothing more than a bunch of bullshit that has nothing to with jesus at all. Preachers actually preach its the persons responsibility to get themselves the help they need even if they don't have it. and if they don't have it, the vicious cycle continues. both of their mindset and the people who need the help ending up in the ER
I still haven't seen Obama care at all. So, even if I have to pay for it I will because I haven't been to a Doctor since I was a teenager. I'm 33 now and I'd like to know if this hotrod is running on empty, half full or full