Author Topic: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration  (Read 4239 times)

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2013, 07:18:19 AM »
The guardian article was interesting and explained much to people like me who have been a bit slow to realise the extent to which the public is lied to.

Also going back to healthcare,  whilst it would be relatively easy to go to A&E as a one off and give a bum name,  it would not be the case of treating a long term illness. 

When illegal immigrants are caught and detained (sometimes for months maybe years) they have access to healthcare, anyway.  The fact that they are milking our nhs is not a legitimate concern for most people.  Sure,  certain papers or political parties may delude some people with that notion.

The way I see it -  once again the vulnerable and poorest members of society are being blamed for the current economic situation.  Easy to do that,  by those fat cat tax evaders.  Very brave.  In the nineties it was 'single mothers'.
blah blah blah

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2013, 07:26:49 AM »
Yeah, typical Tory tactics - get the middle class to turn on the poor and the poor to turn on each other, so no one notices who the real criminals are.

I saw something recently that was about the myths the British public believe. ie that welfare costs much more than it does, that msost people on benefits are lazy slobs etc. People really do believe all the shit you get in the Daily Mail etc. And this government is doing everything it can to encourage those beliefs.

Although their own propaganda is kind of working against them for a minority of their voters who are going over to ukip instead lol

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2013, 07:28:00 AM »
Although you still don't have to actually pay for the medication, just the prescription, which is about £8 I think?

£7.85  but that is  per item.   A prescription listing several items can come to thirty quid plus.  A struggle to find for a lot of working people.  Completely unaffordable to an illegal immigrant i would imagine.
blah blah blah

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2013, 07:32:45 AM »
Yeah I hadn't thought of that.

I am considering cutting down on my meds to try and save a little money there. It's not a lot, and if I really felt I needed my medication a lot, I wouldn't. But I'm not entirely sure I need to be on meds anymore, so £8 every couple weeks adds up. I'm not earning much at all atm.

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2013, 07:39:47 AM »
Yeah, typical Tory tactics - get the middle class to turn on the poor and the poor to turn on each other, so no one notices who the real criminals are.

I saw something recently that was about the myths the British public believe. ie that welfare costs much more than it does, that msost people on benefits are lazy slobs etc. People really do believe all the shit you get in the Daily Mail etc. And this government is doing everything it can to encourage those beliefs.

Although their own propaganda is kind of working against them for a minority of their voters who are going over to ukip instead lol

Have to say that it was due to your referencing about the Daily Mail, Adam, which gave me cause to examine it more closely.  I was completely unaware.   It ought to have a warning on the cover, or maybe a coating of slime to indicate to normal unsuspecting people it is full of utter bullshit.  Not just slimy bullshit like, for example The Sunday Sport (lol)  but real damaging and dangerous misleading articles.

The Daily Mail is the lowest of the low.
blah blah blah

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2013, 07:57:35 AM »
Exactly, that's the difference between the Daily Mail and the the really dodgy ones like the Sun etc - everyone KNOWS the Sun is just full of filth, even the Sun knows it lol, but people seem to actually think the Daily Mail is a "proper" newspaper. It's awful.

And I'm glad my ranting has been cause for someone else to notice how evil they are haha :D

It's so popular as well, that it's actually dangerous. On a personal level, I find their weird vendetta against trans people absolutely abhorrent (apparently the DM publish something like 8 times as many trans-related articles as any of the other UK newspapers)

But it's the subtly racist stuff and especially the articles about people on benefits that probably have the most dangerous consequences.

Also they constantly post stuff which is literally BULLSHIT. ie "facts" that are actually wrong. And they're called up on it, but only among people who already know what they're like, so the people reading it and believing it don't realise.

Even as  a harmless example, when they published the article about my cat and my brother, they MADE UP quotes from my mum lol. Stuff she never even said. Which was just funny in that case, but when they make up statistics etc just to fuel their own hate-filled agenda, it actually affects people's lives.

I could rant about the Daily Mail all day. I'll stop now lol

I have a tshirt that says on it, "I'm the one the Daily Mail warned you about" :laugh:

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2013, 08:04:36 AM »
Well, I am spreading the message too, now.

In fact i have pointed out things about it to other people saying stuff like  "you are gullible etc"

Of course, not mentioning the fact that 12 months ago i was completely in the dark.

You are right, there is so much hate fueled bullshit and I have no idea why they have such an agenda.  No integrity, whatsoever.  Totally biased.   
blah blah blah

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2013, 08:33:18 AM »
That's good that you are spreading the message too. People sometimes ask me why I bother, when it makes no difference. But if it makes one or two other people wonder about it and check it out, then that's good enough. Also I just like to rant about it haha

But yeh, they definitely have their own agenda, when comes thru when you realise what they're like - you will see it easily whenever you view their website now. And they don't even care how accurate or inaccurate their reporting is.

Also if you ever want a laugh (although be careful, you can also get very pissed off by it :laugh: ) try reading the comments section at the end of certain articles. Daily Mail readers are almost a parody of themselves on there

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2013, 04:33:18 PM »
They are taxing our system through using medical services, yes, but over here we pretty much view medical attention as a human right.

It's a human right here too. That's why illegals are allowed to tax our system. If there were anyway to stop that, we wouldn't even need Obama's promises. People in Europe truly seem to believe their medical is free. That's so weird. Too many takers who never give can bankrupt a system.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 04:34:56 PM by Jack »

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2013, 04:35:06 PM »

It is free.

We understand that it is funded from taxes

It is still free at the point of use though, regardless of wtherher or not you pay taxes

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you mean

We have free healthcare in the UK

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2013, 04:35:46 PM »
btw Europe is a big place lol. Lots of countries. Lots of different types of healthcare

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2013, 04:38:50 PM »

It is free.

We understand that it is funded from taxes

It is still free at the point of use though, regardless of wtherher or not you pay taxes

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you mean

We have free healthcare in the UK

Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes; they only take from the system, when they could otherwise give. A large influx of illegals means higher taxes for all the legal citizens, in order to care for the illegals. Those people should become legal citizens and pay their share like everyone else.

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2013, 04:39:34 PM »
I don't have much to add, except that I agree with Bod and Adam 100%. This is just wrong. And the Daily Mail is a vile rag, made for bigots and morons.

It seems that the tories are doing this to appease its (even)more bigoted supporters, and attempt to out-racist UKIP.
In doing so though, it is further alienating the Scottish, who will soon be voting on independence.
At the moment, it seems unlikely that the Scots will vote for independence. However, the more overtly racist and also anti-Europe, that the Tories become, the more the Scots are feeling disenfranchised and likely to vote for independence.

It would be the mother of all irony, if the tories in their zealous drive to "stand up for Britain," ended up disgusting the Scots so much, that the Scots vote to break up Britain.

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2013, 04:40:19 PM »
I don't understand your point. What does that have to do with   Europeans thinking their healthcare is free when it's not (according to you)?

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Re: 'GO HOME' vans to fight immigration
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2013, 04:42:18 PM »
The worst thing about Scottish independence for me would be that we'd lose so many Labour voters lol

We'd be fucked here in England and Wales then :laugh:

But yeh, they're trying to win over their ukip defectors

Disgusting. Even stronger than the immigration stuff now tho is the welfare stuff. As I was saying earlier, theyre trying to play off the poor against each other. Get them hating all those on benefits