Author Topic: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'  (Read 3294 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #90 on: July 29, 2013, 12:40:09 PM »
Personally, I think you can save more money by stopping all these nonsence wars around the globe. how much have we spent in Iraq, Afganistan and being the worlds cop? A trillion fucking dollars? Then after that lets end all corporate welfare, that's probably another goddamn trillion dollars right there

I do agree with having a small government, but people receiving money for disability are not bankrupting the system.
Wars, and Corporate welfare are.

I'm not against people receiving money for disability, i'm against criminal cons receiving money for booze and drugs and lies. I refuse to give a fucking PENNY to something like that. I wouldn't even give a GLASS OF MY FUCKING PISS. And yeah. I'm against these stupid mass murd- I mean wars too. Bigtime.

It's barely a welfare state.

Wrong. WRONG. It seems relatively successful because of the wealthy people. The vast majority are stuggling middle class who are now having to use welfare or government benefits just to make ends meet, or poverty stricken zones. TRUTH dude.

Besides, even if people are fit for work, do you really think in today's society it's so easy to find a job

I don't give a fuck how hard it is. If a retard like me can do it, anyone can. Stop enabling weaklings. Stop it right now!

The only solution is to try and cut down on people exploiting it,
YEah, I said that already. If some jukie, or lazy fuck comes in asking for free "gubmint cheks" it should be like a tradition for everyone in the office to beat them, then kick them out on the street. And they can stay on the street and starve to death, or contribute effort to society. No way out of this. No way out of responsibility.

As for saying it's okay for disabled and unfit people to work to get welfare, doesn't that contradict your views on self reliance

No. If you are capable, you will contribute to society, or you will be a starving outcast. If you're disabled you will be given a hand, but still expected to contribute however you can. Period. Nobody is allowed to be lazy. And there is no legislation needed for that, either. If you see someone drinking whiskey in a dirty alley during the day, ignore their ass. Let them starve.
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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #91 on: July 29, 2013, 12:41:02 PM »
If you are already a millionair, or billionair I am certain that any tax that is placed on you isn't a burden. because your already so goddamn rich, taxing poor people and even middle class people now they on the other hand feel the tax.

everytime you buy something. everytime you work, Etc.

These Rich fucks have done a nice job at getting there talking points across and making the majority of people believe it
I hope to god this country collapses. where do you think all these people are going to go? the rich guys house. there gonna knock on the door politely with the barrel of there shotgun or oozie, and ask them to kindly hand over the Rembrandt. :prude:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 12:42:48 PM by Merauder »

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #92 on: July 29, 2013, 12:43:07 PM »
If you are already a millionair, or billionair I am certain that any tax that is placed on you isn't a burden. because your already so goddamn rich, taxing poor people and even middle class people now they on the other hand feel the tax.

everytime you buy something. everytime you work, Etc.

These Rich fucks have done a nice job at getting there talking points across and making the majority of people believe it
I hope to god this country collapses. where do you think all these people are going to go? there gonna knock on the door politely with the barrel of there shotgun or oozie, and ask them to kindly hand over the Rembrandt. :prude:

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #93 on: July 29, 2013, 12:43:20 PM »
I know and Aspie guy with two university degrees. It took him many years to get a job, and it was just pure luck. He didn't get a job in any of those fields where he has his degrees.

I have both an associates degree(2 year) in marine science  and a bachelors degree (4 years) in biology and I work in construction :hahaha:
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Offline Jesse

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #94 on: July 29, 2013, 01:02:10 PM »
Wtf is college good for then? My cousin has a degree in biology aswell, and fucking drives a truck. haha poor guy
I'm so happy I didn't go to university. why with the whole student loan bullshit, and all.


Its almost as if, they overhype the importance of college. they want you to be in debt. without anyway of getting out
I think trade school would be far more valueable in the workplace

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #95 on: July 29, 2013, 01:04:27 PM »
Wtf is college good for then? My cousin has a degree in biology aswell, and fucking drives a truck. haha poor guy
I'm so happy I didn't go to university. why with the whole student loan bullshit, and all.


Its almost as if, they overhype the importance of college. they want you to be in debt. without anyway of getting out
I think trade school would be far more valueable in the workplace

Actually education makes you a more powerful thinker, dude. All that math and writing you think you'll never use? You actually do use the concepts and such subconsciously. Believe it or not! :o
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Offline Adam

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #96 on: July 29, 2013, 01:05:32 PM »
When it comes to getting a job/career, a degree isn't what it used to be.

There are some jobs where you really need one tho

Getting a job isn't the only purpose of education though.

Offline Adam

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #97 on: July 29, 2013, 01:06:24 PM »
Wtf is college good for then? My cousin has a degree in biology aswell, and fucking drives a truck. haha poor guy
I'm so happy I didn't go to university. why with the whole student loan bullshit, and all.


Its almost as if, they overhype the importance of college. they want you to be in debt. without anyway of getting out
I think trade school would be far more valueable in the workplace

Actually education makes you a more powerful thinker, dude. All that math and writing you think you'll never use? You actually do use the concepts and such subconsciously. Believe it or not! :o

Education is always a good thing :agreed:

Offline bodie

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #98 on: July 29, 2013, 01:13:27 PM »
Kick the people who are just lazy out on the street, let them learn their lesson and buckle down, or starve to death. Either way, the burden will be removed.

How are you going to determine the lazy from the ones that are not?.  What about times when there just aren't enough jobs for everyone?

Also, a society which allows people to simply starve to death in poverty is not a healthy one.  Starving people are unlikely to be dismissed and not be in your face are they?  They will turn to crime.  Who will they mug? who will they thieve off?  You may be lucky in that you think you can take care of yourself, but what about 'Auntie Nellie' or some frail, old relative.  Will they be safe to leave their house?  Will they even be safe in their house?  I can think of so many instances where such a society could affect you?  Disease is another one, or infection?  It is not an ideal scenario?

Talking of fairness,  what about the children of these 'lazy' people?  Aren't you condemning them also without any welfare or state benefits?  What have they done wrong, except for having the misfortune of lazy parents.

blah blah blah

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #99 on: July 29, 2013, 01:18:20 PM »
bodie makes a lot of good point, rage.

It's never as simple as "get off your ass and do it"

and as she said, there are other people involved, namely children

Offline Bastet

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #100 on: July 29, 2013, 03:07:01 PM »
bodie makes a lot of good point, rage.

It's never as simple as "get off your ass and do it"

and as she said, there are other people involved, namely children

Yuh. But many will use their children as a free ride. My uncle was on unemployment. He waited till his unemployment ran out to look for a job. Meanwhile his then wife worked 3 jobs and came home and cooked and cleaned and raised their kids while he sat on his ass and smoked all day.  When taxes came back, he took all the tax return money and spent it without  asking her. She made most of the money that year.  There are people who will look for any excuse not to have to work. 

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #101 on: July 29, 2013, 03:08:12 PM »
I know some like that too. We get plenty of those over here
But as shitty as those people are, you can't punish the kids for their parents' laziness etc. They will provbably have a tough enough life as it is

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #102 on: July 29, 2013, 03:12:31 PM »
I know some like that too. We get plenty of those over here
But as shitty as those people are, you can't punish the kids for their parents' laziness etc. They will provbably have a tough enough life as it is

I don't think the children should be punished. I think measures should be in place to ensure any benefits are used on the children and not expensive toys to show their loser friends. Like the " love rat" who fathered a ton of kids and whined he couldn't afford to pay child support, yet owned a blackberry cell phone.

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline bodie

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #103 on: July 29, 2013, 03:15:36 PM »
Yeah scroungers are everywhere!  The trouble is finding an adequate system of detecting them.  Could be costly.  Maybe even more than the benefit itself.

blah blah blah

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Re: To those in the UK are you going to 'opt-in'
« Reply #104 on: July 29, 2013, 03:26:16 PM »
Wrong. WRONG. It seems relatively successful because of the wealthy people. The vast majority are stuggling middle class who are now having to use welfare or government benefits just to make ends meet, or poverty stricken zones. TRUTH dude.

If you're poor in the US, you're pretty much fucked. There's some "help" but it's nowhere near as extensive as here or the UK. In fact, I think it should be of a similar level to here, although with more regulations. Sure some may be junkies, or lazy fedora-wearing arsewipes who do nothing but read Ann Rand like it's the word of gospel, eat cheetos and grow neckbeards, but at the end of the day it's useful for you when you really do need it. And trust me, you would need it. Don't talk to me about pride, you'd most likely take it as much as anyone else.

Your way of thinking doesn't really work in terms of running a country. Some aspects have to be controlled and a government is needed for that, especially in today's society.