Author Topic: Ahh. Some of the terrorists attacking the United States have been identified.  (Read 3146 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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Money means nothing if the majority gets angry and takes it from you.

Again Richard, this is you.

If you're just absolutely convinced there is nothing you can do, defeat is imminent, you have no power or voice, and you don't understand what this country is actually about... then shut the fuck up and get out of the way. Let the real patriots and citizens take care of you.
True. but the majority, do not run the country. Wealthy people do, ever hear of some no name fuck or some guy washing dishes one day and the next hes a congressman? nope. you have to first, have money. to run an election, etc

basically money to buy your spot in this game. say all of this nonsence to get elected and then, once you are in Washington fall in line with the more senior members of your party. sure you can kick scream and have your little temper tantrum on the floors of congress and symbolically unveil your long ass scroll of what a perfect world should be, but in reality this is ALL for show. once your done guess what? nothing happens. because the house speaker is the guy calling the shots and HE doesn't give a fuck

Nothing in this system will ever change, unless there is a complete and total collapse of the current government.
If you think you can get up enough support to change the system, even if you DO it still wont change.

Americans are to in love with tradition. and doing business as usual, If you seriously think you can get enough "patriots" IE the common pesents of the land to overhaul the entire system then you are more dumber than I thought. It will never happen, average joes do not make laws, or the rules. Rich people do

Show me a society where middle class actually run the country. sure they in power might talk about the middle class all the fucking time, but your seriously delusional if you think the middle class have any say so in any way shape or form. They don't

And I'm a Taoist. I could give a fuck about things because I know it will take care of itself, I don't try to alter anythings path anymore because that would be unnatural. And I am about living in harmony with nature

True. but the majority, do not run the country. Wealthy people do

No. This is a democracy and I will accept nothing less. I will kill to preserve that idea. Believe it.
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Offline Bastet

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It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline odeon

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OMG. I think I agree with Rage on this one :laugh:

Jail everyone voting against you?

No. Imprison those who are breaking the law. This nation doesn't belong to a select few influential politicians and corporate types, dude. It belongs to everyone. And when the people we've chosen to represent us not only cease to represent us, but also violate our constitution and attempt to imprison us in our own country...

Everyone is gonna have a bad time. You don't seem to understand either what i'm talking about, or what a democracy is. Or maybe you don't understand what jail is for. People who break the law are called criminals, and they go to jail in order to give them time to think about what they've done, or keep them from breaking the law anymore.

What you were linking to is a vote in which some people voted against limiting the NSA data collection. In this thread you are calling them terrorists, apparently for voting in a way that did not please you.

AFAIK, simply voting is neither unconstitutional or indeed against the law where you live. If it is, your so-called democracy is already in tatters.

The whole NSA thing is fucked up and wrong, but it is not going to be fixed by calling your elected representatives terrorists.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline RageBeoulve

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OMG. I think I agree with Rage on this one :laugh:

Jail everyone voting against you?

No. Imprison those who are breaking the law. This nation doesn't belong to a select few influential politicians and corporate types, dude. It belongs to everyone. And when the people we've chosen to represent us not only cease to represent us, but also violate our constitution and attempt to imprison us in our own country...

Everyone is gonna have a bad time. You don't seem to understand either what i'm talking about, or what a democracy is. Or maybe you don't understand what jail is for. People who break the law are called criminals, and they go to jail in order to give them time to think about what they've done, or keep them from breaking the law anymore.

What you were linking to is a vote in which some people voted against limiting the NSA data collection. In this thread you are calling them terrorists, apparently for voting in a way that did not please you.

AFAIK, simply voting is neither unconstitutional or indeed against the law where you live. If it is, your so-called democracy is already in tatters.

The whole NSA thing is fucked up and wrong, but it is not going to be fixed by calling your elected representatives terrorists.

Nice try. Most of those elects are not elected by the majority, but the wealthy. That's not democracy. It is indeed, "in tatters".
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"


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OMG. I think I agree with Rage on this one :laugh:

Jail everyone voting against you?

No. Imprison those who are breaking the law. This nation doesn't belong to a select few influential politicians and corporate types, dude. It belongs to everyone. And when the people we've chosen to represent us not only cease to represent us, but also violate our constitution and attempt to imprison us in our own country...

Everyone is gonna have a bad time. You don't seem to understand either what i'm talking about, or what a democracy is. Or maybe you don't understand what jail is for. People who break the law are called criminals, and they go to jail in order to give them time to think about what they've done, or keep them from breaking the law anymore.

What you were linking to is a vote in which some people voted against limiting the NSA data collection. In this thread you are calling them terrorists, apparently for voting in a way that did not please you.

AFAIK, simply voting is neither unconstitutional or indeed against the law where you live. If it is, your so-called democracy is already in tatters.

The whole NSA thing is fucked up and wrong, but it is not going to be fixed by calling your elected representatives terrorists.

Since they vote in favour of something that any honest person would admit violates the 4th Amendment, they are committing a serious crime only by voting.

Offline RageBeoulve

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OMG. I think I agree with Rage on this one :laugh:

Jail everyone voting against you?

No. Imprison those who are breaking the law. This nation doesn't belong to a select few influential politicians and corporate types, dude. It belongs to everyone. And when the people we've chosen to represent us not only cease to represent us, but also violate our constitution and attempt to imprison us in our own country...

Everyone is gonna have a bad time. You don't seem to understand either what i'm talking about, or what a democracy is. Or maybe you don't understand what jail is for. People who break the law are called criminals, and they go to jail in order to give them time to think about what they've done, or keep them from breaking the law anymore.

What you were linking to is a vote in which some people voted against limiting the NSA data collection. In this thread you are calling them terrorists, apparently for voting in a way that did not please you.

AFAIK, simply voting is neither unconstitutional or indeed against the law where you live. If it is, your so-called democracy is already in tatters.

The whole NSA thing is fucked up and wrong, but it is not going to be fixed by calling your elected representatives terrorists.

Since they vote in favour of something that any honest person would admit violates the 4th Amendment, they are committing a serious crime only by voting.

Correct. Voting is not meant to serve special intrests. Its meant to serve the entire country.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline odeon

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OMG. I think I agree with Rage on this one :laugh:

Jail everyone voting against you?

No. Imprison those who are breaking the law. This nation doesn't belong to a select few influential politicians and corporate types, dude. It belongs to everyone. And when the people we've chosen to represent us not only cease to represent us, but also violate our constitution and attempt to imprison us in our own country...

Everyone is gonna have a bad time. You don't seem to understand either what i'm talking about, or what a democracy is. Or maybe you don't understand what jail is for. People who break the law are called criminals, and they go to jail in order to give them time to think about what they've done, or keep them from breaking the law anymore.

What you were linking to is a vote in which some people voted against limiting the NSA data collection. In this thread you are calling them terrorists, apparently for voting in a way that did not please you.

AFAIK, simply voting is neither unconstitutional or indeed against the law where you live. If it is, your so-called democracy is already in tatters.

The whole NSA thing is fucked up and wrong, but it is not going to be fixed by calling your elected representatives terrorists.

Nice try. Most of those elects are not elected by the majority, but the wealthy. That's not democracy. It is indeed, "in tatters".

Funny. Wikipedia seems to have a different take on this:

Strangely, nothing is said about the wealthy. :-\

Since they vote in favour of something that any honest person would admit violates the 4th Amendment, they are committing a serious crime only by voting.

I'm pretty sure the NSA's little project has not yet been ruled to be unconstitutional.

Again, what the NSA is doing is fucked up and wrong, but you don't fight it by going off the deep end with conspiracy theories and name-calling everyone and everything you think is wrong with society in general. It's about credibility and about knowing how the system works. How will you affect opinions if people think you are just another nutter? Keep on doing what you do now and few will be more pleased than the NSA.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline RageBeoulve

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Funny. Wikipedia seems to have a different take on this:

Strangely, nothing is said about the wealthy

Oh my god, man. Its like.. its like you are unable to think, or something.
Strangely, nothing is said about the wealthy
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Kapkao

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Funny. Wikipedia seems to have a different take on this:

Strangely, nothing is said about the wealthy. :-\

Since they vote in favour of something that any honest person would admit violates the 4th Amendment, they are committing a serious crime only by voting.

I'm pretty sure the NSA's little project has not yet been ruled to be unconstitutional.

Again, what the NSA is doing is fucked up and wrong, but you don't fight it by going off the deep end with conspiracy theories and name-calling everyone and everything you think is wrong with society in general. It's about credibility and about knowing how the system works. How will you affect opinions if people think you are just another nutter? Keep on doing what you do now and few will be more pleased than the NSA.

Having fun, much?

Offline Gopher Gary

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Rage is right and his view is common knowledge in the US. Power attracts the corrupt and the House and Senate are filled with humans. If someone gives their state representative a sizable enough "campaign contribution", they would vote the way their wealthy contributor likes.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 10:49:42 AM by Piper »

Offline El

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I think a lot of what perpetuates this is learned helplessness.  You can argue the side of "do something," but, frankly, the what, the how, and the expected end result are pretty big deterrents.  :/
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.


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Recte dicis, puella  :(

Offline Gopher Gary

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I think a lot of what perpetuates this is learned helplessness.  You can argue the side of "do something," but, frankly, the what, the how, and the expected end result are pretty big deterrents.  :/

Absolutely. It's easy to look at how a society functions from a big picture perspective and see what's inherently wrong, but it's also impossible to hold that point of view without realizing how small and inconsequential is the individual within that society.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Funny. Wikipedia seems to have a different take on this:

Strangely, nothing is said about the wealthy

Oh my god, man. Its like.. its like you are unable to think, or something.
Strangely, nothing is said about the wealthy

All right, I apologize, O-man. I went too far, saying it like that. I just don't understand how people could not see these things for what they are. Maybe Sweden is just REALLY cool or something, and you have none of these problems.

In that case, you like fishing? You like golf? Want a neighbor?
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Kapkao

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Funny. Wikipedia seems to have a different take on this:

Strangely, nothing is said about the wealthy

Oh my god, man. Its like.. its like you are unable to think, or something.
Strangely, nothing is said about the wealthy

All right, I apologize, O-man. I went too far, saying it like that. I just don't understand how people could not see these things for what they are. Maybe Sweden is just REALLY cool or something, and you have none of these problems.

In that case, you like fishing? You like golf? Want a neighbor?
what part of the world is Odeon from?