
Author Topic: Ahh. Some of the terrorists attacking the United States have been identified.  (Read 3108 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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Who are attacking the United States have been retrieved. Good. Now we know who to vote out of the house, and put in prison if necessary.

No Votes (217)

Robert B. Aderholt
R AL-4

Rodney Alexander
R LA-5

Robert E. Andrews
D NJ-1

Michele Bachmann
R MN-6

Ron Barber
D AZ-2

Andy Barr
R KY-6

John Barrow
D GA-12

Dan Benishek
R MI-1

Ami Bera
D CA-7

Gus Bilirakis
R FL-12

Timothy H. Bishop
D NY-1

Sanford D. Bishop Jr.
D GA-2

John A. Boehner
R OH-8

Jo Bonner
R AL-1

Charles Boustany Jr.
R LA-3

Kevin Brady
R TX-8

Mo Brooks
R AL-5

Susan Brooks
R IN-5

Corrine Brown
D FL-5

Julia Brownley
D CA-26

Larry Bucshon
R IN-8

G. K. Butterfield
D NC-1

Ken Calvert
R CA-42

Dave Camp
R MI-4

Eric Cantor
R VA-7

Shelley Moore Capito
R WV-2

John Carney
D DE-1

John Carter
R TX-31

Kathy Castor
D FL-14

Joaquin Castro
D TX-20

Tom Cole
R OK-4

Chris Collins
R NY-27

Doug Collins
R GA-9

K. Michael Conaway
R TX-11

Paul Cook
R CA-8

Jim Cooper
D TN-5

Jim Costa
D CA-16

Tom Cotton
R AR-4

Rick Crawford
R AR-1

Ander Crenshaw
R FL-4

Henry Cuellar
D TX-28

John Culberson
R TX-7

Susan A. Davis
D CA-53

John Delaney
D MD-6

Jeffrey Denham
R CA-10

Charlie Dent
R PA-15

Mario Diaz-Balart
R FL-25

Tammy Duckworth
D IL-8

Renee Ellmers
R NC-2

Eliot L. Engel
D NY-16

Bill Enyart
D IL-12

Elizabeth Esty
D CT-5

Bill Flores
R TX-17

J. Randy Forbes
R VA-4

Jeff Fortenberry
R NE-1

Bill Foster
D IL-11

Virginia Foxx
R NC-5

Lois Frankel
D FL-22

Trent Franks
R AZ-8

Rodney Frelinghuysen
R NJ-11

Pete Gallego
D TX-23

Joe Garcia
D FL-26

Jim Gerlach
R PA-6

Bob Gibbs
R OH-7

Phil Gingrey
R GA-11

Robert W. Goodlatte
R VA-6

Kay Granger
R TX-12

Sam Graves
R MO-6

Al Green
D TX-9

Mike Grimm
R NY-11

Brett Guthrie
R KY-2

Luis V. Gutierrez
D IL-4

Colleen Hanabusa
D HI-1

Richard Hanna
R NY-22

Gregg Harper
R MS-3

Vicky Hartzler
R MO-4

Doc Hastings
R WA-4

Denny Heck
D WA-10

Joe Heck
R NV-3

Jeb Hensarling
R TX-5

Brian Higgins
D NY-26

Jim Himes
D CT-4

Rubén Hinojosa
D TX-15

George Holding
R NC-13

Steny H. Hoyer
D MD-5

Richard Hudson
R NC-8

Duncan D. Hunter
R CA-50

Robert Hurt
R VA-5

Steve Israel
D NY-3

Darrell Issa
R CA-49

Sheila Jackson-Lee
D TX-18

Eddie Bernice Johnson
D TX-30

Hank Johnson
D GA-4

Sam Johnson
R TX-3

Dave Joyce
R OH-14

Marcy Kaptur
D OH-9

Mike Kelly
R PA-3

Robin Kelly
D IL-2

Joseph P. Kennedy III
D MA-4

Derek Kilmer
D WA-6

Ron Kind
D WI-3

Peter T. King
R NY-2

Steve King
R IA-4

Adam Kinzinger
R IL-16

Ann Kirkpatrick
D AZ-1

John Kline
R MN-2

Ann McLane Kuster
D NH-2

Leonard Lance
R NJ-7

Jim Langevin
D RI-2

James Lankford
R OK-5

Rick Larsen
D WA-2

Tom Latham
R IA-3

Robert E. Latta
R OH-5

Sander M. Levin
D MI-9

Daniel Lipinski
D IL-3

Frank A. LoBiondo
R NJ-2

Billy Long
R MO-7

Nita M. Lowey
D NY-17

Frank D. Lucas
R OK-3

Blaine Luetkemeyer
R MO-3

Sean Patrick Maloney
D NY-18

Tom Marino
R PA-10

Jim Matheson
D UT-4

Kevin McCarthy
R CA-23

Michael McCaul
R TX-10

Mike McIntyre
D NC-7

Howard P. McKeon
R CA-25

David McKinley
R WV-1

Jerry McNerney
D CA-9

Pat Meehan
R PA-7

Gregory W. Meeks
D NY-5

Grace Meng
D NY-6

Luke Messer
R IN-6

Candice S. Miller
R MI-10

Jeff Miller
R FL-1

Patrick Murphy
D FL-18

Tim Murphy
R PA-18

Randy Neugebauer
R TX-19

Kristi Noem
R SD-1

Devin Nunes
R CA-22

Alan Nunnelee
R MS-1

Pete Olson
R TX-22

Steven Palazzo
R MS-4

Erik Paulsen
R MN-3

Donald M. Payne Jr.
D NJ-10

Nancy Pelosi
D CA-12

Gary Peters
D MI-14

Scott Peters
D CA-52

Collin C. Peterson
D MN-7

Robert Pittenger
R NC-9

Joe Pitts
R PA-16

Mike Pompeo
R KS-4

David E. Price
D NC-4

Mike Quigley
D IL-5

Tom Reed
R NY-23

Dave Reichert
R WA-8

Jim Renacci
R OH-16

Scott Rigell
R VA-2

Martha Roby
R AL-2

Harold Rogers
R KY-5

Mike D. Rogers
R AL-3

Mike Rogers
R MI-8

Tom Rooney
R FL-17

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
R FL-27

Peter Roskam
R IL-6

Ed Royce
R CA-39

Raul Ruiz
D CA-36

Jon Runyan
R NJ-3

C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger
D MD-2

Paul D. Ryan
R WI-1

Tim Ryan
D OH-13

Jan Schakowsky
D IL-9

Brad Schneider
D IL-10

Allyson Y. Schwartz
D PA-13

Austin Scott
R GA-8

David Scott
D GA-13

Pete Sessions
R TX-32

Terri Sewell
D AL-7

John Shimkus
R IL-15

Bill Shuster
R PA-9

Mike Simpson
R ID-2

Krysten Sinema
D AZ-9

Albio Sires
D NJ-8

Louise M. Slaughter
D NY-25

Adam Smith
D WA-9

Adrian Smith
R NE-3

Lamar Smith
R TX-21

Steve Stivers
R OH-15

Marlin Stutzman
R IN-3

Lee Terry
R NE-2

Mike Thompson
D CA-5

William M. Thornberry
R TX-13

Pat Tiberi
R OH-12

Dina Titus
D NV-1

Michael R. Turner
R OH-10

Fred Upton
R MI-6

David Valadao
R CA-21

Chris Van Hollen
D MD-8

Juan Vargas
D CA-51

Marc Veasey
D TX-33

Peter J. Visclosky
D IN-1

Ann Wagner
R MO-2

Tim Walberg
R MI-7

Greg Walden
R OR-2

Jackie Walorski
R IN-2

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
D FL-23

Daniel Webster
R FL-10

Brad Wenstrup
R OH-2

Lynn Westmoreland
R GA-3

Edward Whitfield
R KY-1

Frederica Wilson
D FL-24

Robert J. Wittman
R VA-1

Frank R. Wolf
R VA-10

Steve Womack
R AR-3

Rob Woodall
R GA-7

C. W. Bill Young
R FL-13

Todd Young
R IN-9

Indeed. What ARE these traitors still doing representing us?
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 12:10:48 PM by RageBeoulve »
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"


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 :litigious: Sic semper tyrannis!  :viking:

Offline RageBeoulve

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:litigious: Sic semper tyrannis!  :viking:

We need more like you over here, Lit. Well, without the desire to fuck kids. :P

(I don't claim you would do that. I have done some research into pedophilia, and it seems to be consistently claimed that many people cannot help these feelings, and choose not to act on them because they know it is wrong. Hopefully that's all your remarks mean.)
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Semicolon

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I don't understand.
I2 has a smiley for everything. Even a hamster wheel. :hamsterwheel:

Quote from: iamnotaparakeet
Jesus died on the cross to show us that BDSM is a legitimate form of love.
There is only one truth and it is that people do have penises of different sizes and one of them is the longest.

Offline RageBeoulve

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I don't understand.

Nay-sayers to defunding the nsa nationwide spying activity. These are all the people that voted no to cutting funds to that program. They belong in prison.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline odeon

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So in your version of democracy, only the *right* votes are allowed? :-\
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Bastet

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So in your version of democracy, only the *right* votes are allowed? :-\

Rage knows best! :zoinks:

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline Adam

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the ones with (R) next to their names are the main cunts

Offline Semicolon

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So in your version of democracy, only the *right* votes are allowed? :-\

In a constitutional democracy like ours, Congress doesn't have the power to override the Constitution without passing an amendment and having it properly ratified. I don't know if that's what Rage was getting at.
I2 has a smiley for everything. Even a hamster wheel. :hamsterwheel:

Quote from: iamnotaparakeet
Jesus died on the cross to show us that BDSM is a legitimate form of love.
There is only one truth and it is that people do have penises of different sizes and one of them is the longest.

Offline Parts

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Surprise my congressman is not on the list.  Look at the map in the link it's an odd mix of  conservative and liberal areas
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

Offline Queen Victoria

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the ones with (R) next to their names are the main cunts

In case anyone doesn't know, R = Republican, D = Democrat.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline RageBeoulve

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So in your version of democracy, only the *right* votes are allowed? :-\

No. In my version of democracy, this would have never been turned into a police state in the first place. It would actually be a democracy, and nobody would even consider such nonsense.

the ones with (R) next to their names are the main cunts

It doesn't matter if they have (PEEPEE) by their name to me. Anyone supporting terrorism inside my own country is a criminal.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Semicolon

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the ones with (R) next to their names are the main cunts

In case anyone doesn't know, R = Republican, D = Democrat.

I = Independent

I2 has a smiley for everything. Even a hamster wheel. :hamsterwheel:

Quote from: iamnotaparakeet
Jesus died on the cross to show us that BDSM is a legitimate form of love.
There is only one truth and it is that people do have penises of different sizes and one of them is the longest.

Offline 'Butterflies'

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OMG. I think I agree with Rage on this one :laugh:

Offline Semicolon

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OMG. I think I agree with Rage on this one :laugh:

I2 has a smiley for everything. Even a hamster wheel. :hamsterwheel:

Quote from: iamnotaparakeet
Jesus died on the cross to show us that BDSM is a legitimate form of love.
There is only one truth and it is that people do have penises of different sizes and one of them is the longest.