There is no secret source. no black helicopters circling your house, and no. Obama isn't going to knock on your door and demand your firearms
The problem is freedom.

people can be as delusional, paranoid, and overall fucking stupid to their hearts content. A lot of them are big names and have a path to reach others, via radio and TV programs.
Alex jones, Rush, Glenn beck are just a few to name. These people spew their vile opinions about absolutely everything and the sad thing is regular people believe it. Rage is just probably some regular guy who gets on YT and searches these wacky videos about doom and gloom which by the way will never fucking happen. but, aslong as people believe in this nonsence it will never go away
The only thing a smart person can do is combat anything they say with facts, and what is really going on.
There is no other way to talk to these people