Was Ambassador Stevens' torture and murder broadcast live for the whole 7 hours?
Is that how we know his pleas were ignored? 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Benghazi_attackWhy does it need to be broadcast on the news channel all nice and easy for us, people? They aren't giving you actual news. You realize that, don't you?
He was dragged away from the building, and was not found again for a total of twelve hours. Judging by all the wounds on his body, trauma to the anus, and his overall condition, its estimated they had their way with him for several hours. Estimation is judged on how long it took to find his dead body, and the trauma to it.
Get this, it was originally officially stated that his mutilated corpse got that way from "smoke inhalation".
Anyway. That was a terrible question to ask, CBC. Just so you know. I really don't understand it, to be honest. Does this come from a desire to deny things like this even happen? Maybe some sort of distorted "Lets think positive! It can't be that bad!" attitude? What is wrong with people?
Again, maybe for some people it takes an entire library of references with the flying spaghetti monster floating above you confirming what is going on, jesus Christ nodding his head, chuck Norris giving the thumbs up, and zombie George Washington also present to confirm, but it doesn't take that much for me to see how horrible things like this are.
It matters. Stop being sociopaths.