Thank you for pointing the obvious rage - people are idiots.

However, this video is misleading. It seems to give the impression they do know of any crimes and sign anyway simply because its Obama, when in reality they most likely not know of any criminal activity, or the crimes would be trivial, or that he was accused of crimes that were not true due to various reasons. His method of getting people to sign is authoritive and pressuring, meaning people would be more likely to sign it even if they don't agree with it. Studies have been done on authority and how people can be made to do things they normally wouldn't due to it, a major example being the Milgram Experiment. Such techniques can be used effectively to make most people say or do anything, even if it is to convince others of conspiracies etc. No facts are needed to convince if you're authoritive enough. Heres a video that explains the experiment:
Also to note, how did he get the people reeled in at the first place? Were they paid? Were they actors? False pretences? Many questions can be asked. Video editing can easily tell a different story than what really happened too. Studying Media, I know how things can be changed and manipulated to tell a far different story than what actually happened, regardless of what is being communicated.