Start here > What is Intensity²?


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1. No but that would be cool

2. Not in public

3. Never

I ignore your questions, sir

conlang returns:

--- Quote from: Semicolon on July 12, 2013, 05:08:10 PM ---I can rhyme "ten".

He who would join this scary den must answer me these questions ten, or I'll just ask again. :laugh:

--- End quote ---

Yannow, that's pretty good, actually. 


--- Quote from: Gotboredwithlions on October 05, 2013, 01:12:41 AM ---
--- Quote from: Semicolon on July 12, 2013, 05:08:10 PM ---I can rhyme "ten".

He who would join this scary den must answer me these questions ten, or I'll just ask again. :laugh:

--- End quote ---

Yannow, that's pretty good, actually.

--- End quote ---



--- Quote from: Semicolon on July 12, 2013, 08:33:36 AM ---He who would join Intensity must answer me these questions three, ere the other boards he see.

Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper! I am not afraid!

[*]Are you :viking:?
[*]Will you post noodz?
[*]Do you ever dig shit out of your ass when constipated?

--- End quote ---

1. viking - probably since my family is scottish, welsh, and English - and those conquerors were virile
2. You want to see naked photos of a 61 year old autistic? Sure!
3. I am a vegan; I am never constipated


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