Prisons here are getting increasingly full of jihadi types. Thats what I was referring to. The obsessive religion-crazy fuckups. Just seems to be that religions 'thing', as in thing that lets them down (not that religion itself as a concept isn't a blight upon our species), the ragheads have their suicide bombers, knife-wielding jihadi psychos, the catholics have their kiddy-fiddling priest problem, the jews have..well..israel. None of the abrahamic religions has too good of a past history if I'm honest. Or religion in general.
Once we evolve past the tendency to magical thinking required for a religion to take hold of a victim, the better. I imagine the human species would have, over its past history, killed a lot smaller number of each other, if it were not for the existence of religion.
And norway not used to cold reality? its always cold there
And with the likes of Breivik, chances are that sort of thing is going to act as a wakeup call to the fact that the world is full of psychos, fuckups and nutcases, if it wasn't already blindingly obvious. Theres the recent shooting down of a plane over ukraine by putin's goons, the jews and their escapades in the middle east, the pakis at it likewise, in the middle east, all the serial killers in general, anywhere/everywhere, over the years and various freelance lone-wolf types here and there, every so often that go on a rampage.
Not so sure about catholic-lovers, it seems mainly to be the priests and church auxilliaries (by that I mean those who are not actually priests, vicars, bishops and similar positions, but nevertheless work within the church mainstream) that do the most kiddie-molestering. Apparently in the UK there are 8 prisons SOLELY dedicated to imprisoning of paedos and rapists/other sex offenders.
A waste of time and resources IMO, when we could get the job done of protecting society, and our children from them with a cheap pair of shotgun shells per nonce/rapist and a double barrel 12-gauge to fire them from. Shooting the fucking creepy little bastards would be a better solution by far. And I doubt, as long as its made absolutely certain, 100% beyond doubt that an individual DID perpetrate such a crime, that many people would loose too much sleep over that kind of filth getting dealt with.