Today was one of those days where the rain comes pelting down while the sun's still shining bright.
Nowhere near that kind of heat, though. I hope your mom's okay.
My mom said that was the Devil beating his wife because she put salt into his coffee instead of sugar.
And you will always see the sun on Saturday, even if only for a glimpse. This is because Jesus's mother always washed her veil on Saturday and this was to dry it.
Nice! I love Old Wive's Tales and tails.
But when did the Devil marry?
Mary makes sense, because as a virgin in her time, she had to keep her face veiled, even after Immaculate Conception, apparently. I think that, after birthing Jesus, Mary should have been allowed some considerations and dropping the veil would be a good place to start.
She would certainly have been able to look men directly in the eye and tell them to FUCK OFF!