Kurwa MaT!
Just got back home, went to town to get some stuff. Absofuckinglutely PISSING it down, and freezing to boot. Glad I took an umbrella and a nice soft thick pair of gloves.
Seems like every single time, without exception, when I went into a shop or other building, the belting rain stopped. And the very femtosecond I stepped so much as the width of a gnat's dick out again, back it comes.
I got home a few minutes ago, and the minute I do, what happens? rain stops or slows greatly and the sun comes out.
And when I popped into burger king after visiting my main objective, to do a quick shot of methiopropamine, some cunt just HAS to keep knocking on the fucking door while I'm prepping the needful items and locating a vein. I held back, but oh boy, I was so tempted just to yell 'oi! fuck off banging on the cunting door already you impatient fucking tartarus-born whorespawn fuck'
Or words to that effect, only less polite. Held back as I couldn't see who was on the other side, and didn't want to chew some little kid, or old lady's face off and spit it out down the shitter

Took a bit more time than it had to, due to two reasons, one being the cold making veins sink deeper and hide away (had no tourniquet, I very, very seldom ever tie off, as I can almost always locate a vein either on the first attempt, or after a couple of tries) and B-the speed coming in a gelatin capsule, which I have to pull open to pour out a bit of MPA into the sterile single use mixing-tray for the shot, with frozen, cold-numbed fingers, and wet cold numb fingers at that.
On the plus side though to the day, the guy from the head shop, as he very often does, just doesn't bother to ring up one or more items at the till, giving me a heavy, heavy discount. In this case, after I purchased what I came for, four pills of 5-EAPB (the benzofuran analog of MDE with the 5-position being the one abstracted from MDEs 3,4-methylenedioxy ring, and the furan ring shifted up a position on the benzene ring from 3,4- to a 5,6-orientation) and two caps of methiopropamine, which is basically methamphetamine on a thienyl ring rather than benzene ring backbone, plus some 'king cobra' synthetic cannabinoid smoking blend, he threw in a fifth EAPB pill for nothing, along with a downpipe and wire screens so I could whip up a quick and disposable bong from a plastic water bottle. Don't think I paid for all the beans either. Safe guy.