Need to think up a space for my lemons too.
What kind...and have you gotten any fruit?
Curious. Mine are Meyer lemons, but grown from seed...I've heard it may take a looonnng time to see any lemons if I do at all. Don't care though, they're pretty.
Mine are from seed too. From two different lemons. Don't know what breed. First one I grew is the smallest and has the best branches. Apparently it is the most tasty one too. Slugs and snails stripped it form all its leaves and some of its branches overnight. It's growing new leaves now. It's bit over two years old, no fruit or flowers yet.
The others I grew last year. The ones that got outside are big, green, thorny and beautiful. The ones I kept inside are tiny and cute. No flowers there yet either.
Saw people making videos of a plant that bore fruit after bit more than a year. Mine don't. But as you said, they are pretty. And their leaves have a nice citrus smell.
Might go looking for recipes with lemon leaf in them.
The oldest plant is inside now. Seems to be quite content on my windowsill.