Welcome back.
Congratulations on your acceptance into the world. Somehow, it mostly seems to work out that everyone is okay with it.
Sorry about your Dad.
Will you continue rehabbing buildings in Budapest? Do you speak Budapestian?
Sadly, I stopped personally renovating property when I moved away from Scotland. N.Ireland isn't much good for doing what I do, so I buy in Scotland and get my aunt and uncles building company to renovate them for me. For free
I expect to continue doing that when I leave.
I don't know if I'll be buying up property in Budapest as well. On one hand, there is a near endless supply of beautiful rundown old apartment blocks, and the prices are so low it's unbelievable.
On the other hand, I have no contacts, I don't know what areas are good for rental, I dont know what kind of prices I would be able to rent them for, and I have no experts ready to step in if I get in over my head.
If I do decide to do it, it would just be a very small time thing. It would just be a hobby to help me get to know the area. It would be a long time before I would consider doing it on a larger scale.
And no, I can't speak any Magyar yet, although I can read a tiny bit of it. Sadly, all I can read is ads for houses on estate agents
I know what a konya, furdo, and szoba are, but I couldn't tell you the Hungarian word for food, or even hello
I'm not superstitious at all, but I can't bring myself to learn the language incase I jinx things