Once. Never again.
It tastes as bad as it smells. Forget all the shite you read about 'raspberry custard'. It stinks like hydrogen sulfide and rotting alliaceous vegables, leeks, onions, rotting garlic, with strong overtones of burning sulfur.
I forgot durian. Thanks a lot for reminding me..I don't think

Lol...I didn't finish eating it, i just couldn't. Used it to get revenge on the tutor whilst in some shitty govt mandated dead end 'college' course. She was a hatchet-faced old sourpuss and total weapons-grade hellbitch. Reduced some girl to tears, telling her she was dole scum. Lovely girl, really, really did absolutely nothing to deserve it, dead quiet, never caused any grief to anybody. So me and my friend daisy tossed a load of durian up in the airvents.
They evacuated the building thinking there was a gas leak (despite the building having no connection to a gas supply....wtf...)
It really did stink that bad, cleared a multi story office block out. And after it started decomposing up in the vents.....oh boy. Not pleasant.
Reminds me kind of the time I, or someone else walking with me, but probably me, somehow tracked stinkhorn spores inside the house, where they started growing on the carpet, behind the fridge. Had to call the gas man out thinking there was a leak (you can smell stinkhorns in the woods for miles, long, LONG before ever seeing them, like a mixture of the mercaptans that are used to stench gas lines, and rotting corpse)
Some people eat those in the egg stage too, although thats the only mushroom thats ever made me sick. Only tried one of the eggs (note-whilst they are by no means tempting fodder, do NOT eat any, repeat ANY mushroom egg, unless you are absolutely certain of its identity, confusion with the immature stages of various Amanita species would likely prove fatal, after much prolonged agony and suffering. The internal structure of Phallus spp, though is quite distinct when cut in cross-section, with any other fungus, other than other stinking phalloids.
It is eaten on the continent..but it made me sick as a fucking dog for a night. Stomach pains, severe nausea and vomiting, and sweating fucking bullets.
Never again.
Granted it was eaten, as a curiosity, that once, along with a dish of mixed waxcaps (Hygrocybe and Hygrophorus species...some are toxic, blackening ones in particular are to be avoided, but I was quite certain of the identification of the species eaten, and do not hold them responsible. But I won't be repeating the experiment with P.impudicus alone.