
Author Topic: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked  (Read 4447 times)

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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #121 on: August 12, 2013, 07:26:59 PM »
u have the rit tou remain silen
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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #122 on: August 12, 2013, 08:27:50 PM »
Police force of today is a bight on the societies that have to have them.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #123 on: August 16, 2013, 07:49:11 AM »
Yes. Yes it is. Such an honorable profession originally having been turned into a Nazi storm trooper just breaks my heart.
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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #124 on: August 16, 2013, 01:03:22 PM »
Not everyone who is a police is a nazi storm trooper.
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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #125 on: August 17, 2013, 01:19:47 AM »
They are being progressively militarized, though.  And it's not just the people who happen to be police.  It's our whole culture.  Everything we're opposed to is a war of some sort. 

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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #126 on: October 08, 2013, 05:47:34 AM »
They are being progressively militarized, though.  And it's not just the people who happen to be police.  It's our whole culture.  Everything we're opposed to is a war of some sort. 

That's an interesting argument, although I don't know if that's different from how things used to be.
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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #127 on: October 08, 2013, 04:20:32 PM »
They are being progressively militarized, though.  And it's not just the people who happen to be police.  It's our whole culture.  Everything we're opposed to is a war of some sort. 

That's an interesting argument, although I don't know if that's different from how things used to be.

Well, broadly, we've been at war for more than half of our history as an independent country.  Every generation has had some kind of actual war to fight.  But (according to The Young Turks anyway) since the beginning of the drug war, the police have been granted increasingly military-style training, and more and more military style weapons.  Military style raids are increasing compared to more civilian-style searches. 

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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #128 on: October 08, 2013, 04:22:34 PM »
Less than 100 years ago cops usually didn't have firearms, not even in the US, except for the western and southern states.


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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #129 on: October 08, 2013, 04:30:24 PM »
Here is the official statement from the Oregon State Police.

Oregon State Police Statement Regarding June 16, 2013 Taser Use-Of-Force Incident on Interstate 5 near Ashland   
June 21, 2013

On June 16, 2013 at approximately 4:15 a.m., OSP was dispatched to a report of a person walking naked along Interstate 5 north of Ashland. The lone trooper on duty in the area arrived on scene and saw an unidentified female walking in darkness southbound with her back to traffic on the fog line in an unlit area. Without backup available, the female trooper tried to get the female’s attention to get her to come to the car but was met with no verbal response or cooperation. When a passing motorist stopped at the scene, the female moved out into the traffic lanes and as the trooper followed she didn’t get any response or show of cooperation. As the situation continued to quickly unfold, the trooper used a Taser to keep the female from continuing to move into a position on the freeway, where others may suddently drive upon the scene with no reasonable expectation of pedestrians on the roadway, that would put her or others at risk.
After checking the female for any injury and finding none, the trooper placed the resistive female in the patrol car and took her to an area hospital. After arrival, the female continued to be unresponsive to questions and was resistant to medical staff’s help. Her behavior and physical development led medical staff and the trooper to think she was in her late teens to early 20’s. At that time they also started thinking she may be autistic.
While at the hospital, OSP sent a news release to area media asking for help to identify the female for which there was no information explaining how and why she was along the freeway. With the help of the local 9-1-1 center, she was identified and contact made with a family member. It was only at this time that her actual age (11) was learned. Once in contact with her family, OSP shared details of what happened and will update her family as needed.
OSP understands that this incident has caused concern while many parts of the story were being reported and picked up on social media. Per policy, OSP reviews all use-of-force incidents involving our troopers. We are grateful the girl was identified quickly and reunited with family that morning after being checked out at the hospital.
In June 2012, OSP began equipping all troopers assigned to the Patrol Services Division and Fish & Wildlife Division with Taser X2 electronic control devices (ECD). OSP troopers go through 8 hours of mandatory training to handle potential use of force situations with an appropriate level of response to minimize possible injury to our troopers and persons they are contacting. Ninety (90) percent of U.S. law enforcement agencies use ECD equipment as a safe use-of-force option compared to traditional use-of-force tools.  The Taser is an alternative to deadly force, impact weapons (baton) and physical resistance which may involve fighting with people, often leading to injuries to the officer and/or person.
During the last few years on average, OSP troopers were annually involved in over 250,000 calls resulting in contacts with people. During 2012, OSP troopers reported 125 use-of-force incidents - approximately .05% of OSP contacts. Preliminary information indicates use-of-force incidents are trending down since OSP troopers been carrying Tasers in late 2012, possibly because the displaying of a Taser during a potential use-of-force situation is known to diffuse resistance and gain compliance.
### ###​

And from her father:  “She warned my daughter twice, who doesn’t respond verbally at all, and then tased her,” said Aram Hampson, the victim’s father.

Hampson says he daughter’s case of autism is so severe, she cannot carry a conversation and she often runs away from home.

And, on top of that, she doesn’t look like your average girl, which is why her dad thinks she was mistaken for a woman.

“She’s kind of you know, husky,” Hampson said

While tazing an 11-year-old disabled child sounds extreme, state police say the move most likely saved her life.

They claim the girl was actually running across both lanes of the freeway in the wee hours of the morning. And for what it’s worth, they didn’t know she was 11

If your kid runs away from home like that, then maybe it's better for her to be in a group home for disabled children unless you are able and willing to secure your home so that this girl cannot escape.

But I can kinda see why the girl was tased:  To prevent her from running into oncoming freeway traffic and being hit and killed by an oncoming car.

I do wonder if tasers have multiple power settings and if they do, they cops should ALWAYS use the lowest effective power for a child rather than an adult.

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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #130 on: June 06, 2016, 10:36:21 AM »

In Oregon, police found a naked and very confused 11-year-old girl wandering on the highway along the I-5 corridor. Instead of offering her a ride home, they decided to taser her.

The young girl was autistic.

Adam Bednar, a cab driver, saw the naked girl on Sunday morning. When he drove up to the seemingly confused girl, she gave him a smile, indicating that she was not fully aware of her surroundings or what she was doing.

Bednar said, “I thought she was drugged. I thought she was on bath salts, too much meth, something.”

The cab driver called the police, as he drove alongside her.

The trooper who showed up on the scene told the girl to stop walking. After she didn’t respond, he threatened to taser her twice. Two little red dots appeared on the small girl’s back, and then metal barbs.

“She seized up, then she just fell face first on the ground. Just face first on the ground,” said Bednar.

The Oregon State Police defended the officer’s decision to taser the 11-year-old, saying it was necessary to prevent her from wandering further and “putting herself in danger.”

Bednar, on the other hand, says this explanation isn’t good enough. “She wasn’t going off the road, she was set on walking down the freeway,” he said. “And I think that, had [the trooper] waited for back up, they could have gotten her without the Taser.”

The girl’s father says the local news reportage also wasn’t fair. His daughter was referred to as a “young woman,” a “woman,” and a “juvenile.” The report refused to give her age.

The father said, “They keep calling her a ‘woman’ …she is 11 years old. Since when is an 11-year-old kid with the mind of a 3-year-old a ‘woman’? She is very gentle and non combative. If the police cannot apprehend a child who is cooperative without Tasing then what would be the alternative? Shooting her?”

This entire situation is an absurd case of a police power-grab. Tasers are only to be used in emergency situations, as a last resort before lethal force.

The local media coverage of the events also illuminates a problematic relationship between media and police. There was no attempt to question the trooper’s decision to taser the 11-year-old with autism. Instead, they called the 11-year-old a “woman,” and presented their story to the public as if it were unbiased and fair.

Another news report

So sick of this shit.

I find this odd after having experienced the Oregon State Troopers firsthand.

Although I generally hate cops, the troopers seem very professional and level headed.

I wonder what went wrong in this case?  :dunno:

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Re: Oregon police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked
« Reply #131 on: June 06, 2016, 10:37:21 AM »
Oregon police are the worst