Author Topic: is she sure  (Read 3403 times)

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #105 on: July 01, 2013, 03:04:49 AM »
Wondering about the wife of the StupidOldMan.

Is she
a- desperate and desolate,
b- devotionaly dedicated,
c- a figment of StupidOldMan's imagination?

For her sake, I hope it is the last option.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline BadgerTom

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #106 on: July 01, 2013, 03:55:40 AM »
Oh, but he only wants to save you from yourself. :zoinks:
:indeed: He is a busybody cunt.

Ahhh yes. Better a cunt than an arsehole. Afterall, cunts are usefull whereas arseholes are full of shit. Lol

I'm glad that CF thinks so highly of me. I care deeply of his opinion of me!!!

Never intended to legislate your unfettered thought though dude. But just trying to enlighten you as to the fact that instead of feeding him you should instead just deny him battle.


Odeon, i love reading your responses. "So carefully worded and full of nuances. I get that". You feel that you want to be saved eh. I guess you didn't grasp what i was imparting. It's ok though. Read it again, i'm you can do better if you do more than scan for certain words.


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Re: is she sure
« Reply #107 on: July 01, 2013, 04:06:37 AM »
Oh, but he only wants to save you from yourself. :zoinks:
:indeed: He is a busybody cunt.

Ahhh yes. Better a cunt than an arsehole. Afterall, cunts are usefull whereas arseholes are full of shit. Lol

I'm glad that CF thinks so highly of me. I care deeply of his opinion of me!!!

Never intended to legislate your unfettered thought though dude. But just trying to enlighten you as to the fact that instead of feeding him you should instead just deny him battle.
What I should do is not your decision. You should consider getting a job as a security guard in a mall. You could allow your God died and left me in charge attitude to run rampant in that capacity.

As far as feeding him goes you are doing exactly that by posting in this thread though you seem to dim to notice.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 05:49:35 AM by Cassanova Frankenstein »

Offline Jack

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #108 on: July 01, 2013, 06:52:27 AM »

As far as feeding him goes you are doing exactly that by posting in this thread though you seem to dim to notice.

Feeding the troll indirectly is superior to direct.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #109 on: July 01, 2013, 07:03:52 AM »
Ahhh refreshing that certain members are still apparantly capable of retortion!

Yes rage i'm new. Since 2006.
Sky. Having a break, probably why i'm a little on edge but after observing for the last three days (as i feel neither the need or inclination to post every inane thought in my head whenever i could like most of you!) i have noticed that not only does this guy not seem bothered by all your attempts to goad/demean him but he's actually enjoying it! So your whole reason for indulging him is completely futile... If you can't see that then you obviously need a break. And if you did notice then you're obviously either in need of stimulation or are a sucker for punishment.

As for comments from whichever member has used the sockpuppet to attempt to goad me, i care not for attention right now. As you have said as of late i haven't posted much. What does this tell you?  If i gave a shit what ypu thought of me i guess i'd be crying right now like the little bitch you incorrectly assume that i am.

You should be more creative in your approach and less inflamatory!

I'm not doing any of this out of spite or the petty need for attention. I'm trying to help you lot as this person is smarter than they make out and is enjoying not only the attention but the fact that you mostly think that he's a foolish cretin.

But sure. Go ahead, belittle my comments and carry on debasing yourselves and the site as a whole. I could care less. (:

Also. On the phone so apologies if i made grammar and spelling errors!

Damn. I did say i could care less. Now apologising!!!!!!! Counter intuative!!!!

Jesus Tom! Look at you go girl.

You made a few very minor flaws. I will point them out to you.

* Most members here are capable of retorting an accusation such as you made because it is just hot air. It is not of substance.

* You are that long removed from the forum as to have missed out on a shitload of history and cultural changes. You may as well be new.

* I don't think people ARE posting every inane thought in their heads. In fact I think most posts show a greater intellect and a less inane thought than the last few posts from you. (I mean who but a complete fuckwit would make a big fuss that a few of us include StupisOldMan's posts amoung their total postcounts over the last few day,huh?)

* Do you believe our motives are unified? Are they even the same as what you think they are? Are you now mind-melding with us? No? What does that tell you?

* No-one needs to take a break, as no one is taking this shit half as seriously as you. What does that tell you?

* Either we need stimulation or we are a sucker for punishment? How about this totally out there concept, how about I2 is a forum? The forum has lots of threads made from lots of posts. The new ones that look interesting people reply to and it perpetuates. Doing this is neither a need for stimulation nor a sucker for punishment. It is simply called being a fucking member.
Do you get it? At all?

* Lord Cuntington is a funny bastard and believe me what he has said to you is not half as bad as he has said in the insult thread to members who are not old hands here from 2006 but 2013. They laughed it off. Look at you dude.

* Any reason for anyone to post more creatively or less inflammatory? Any at all? Any reason we ought to not post how we like? Any?
How about you try for rational and logical? That may work better.

* He is a foolish cretin and an embarrassment. I like clowns. How exactly are you "helping us lot". I doubt you are. In fact I doubt you could really contest that there was anything you have said that is worth consideration. Why is that?

* We are not debasing the site. WTF?

OK Tom put down the bong. What the fuck is up your arse lately? What the fuck is your issue? Share with class.
It is blatantly clear you have some issues and are acting like a pompous asshat, so spill.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 08:03:23 AM by Al Swearengen »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #110 on: July 01, 2013, 07:12:59 AM »
Wondering about the wife of the StupidOldMan.

Is she
a- desperate and desolate,
b- devotionaly dedicated,
c- a figment of StupidOldMan's imagination?

For her sake, I hope it is the last option.
stockholm syndrome

Offline Jack

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #111 on: July 01, 2013, 07:40:08 AM »
Never intended to legislate your unfettered thought though dude. But just trying to enlighten you as to the fact that instead of feeding him you should instead just deny him battle.

Maybe you would be better suited to interacting with the non-troll members, and non-troll-feeding members, which you actually do respect, instead of stooping to the level of engaging trolls and troll feeders in troll battle.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #112 on: July 01, 2013, 08:00:12 AM »

You should be more creative in your approach and less inflamatory!

You and StupidOldMan's crying bleeding vaginas make the most beautiful music together.

How's that? Still too inflammatory? Perhaps I was wrong about the amount of attention your trolling might receive.

Offline McGiver

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #113 on: July 01, 2013, 08:05:53 AM »
^feeding two trolls with one barb.

Offline BadgerTom

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #114 on: July 01, 2013, 10:33:34 AM »
Thanks Al, that brought me back up :)  Constructive criticism is better than just being rude with poor reasons.  That is what I2 memebrs should be like. Some people have obviously forgotten the main page.  I've been very stressed out as of late, family stuff that i will never speak of to anyone but has been affecting my mood (as i'm nowhere near perfect!).

Jack, maybe i should indeed.

CF... If god existed (which it doesn't!) why would it leave me in charge!? or any of us "superior beings" as most christians/jews believe we apparantly are. But you still make me hard when you show your affection. Touching stuff ^^.  Also, Yes was being direct as opposed to the boring mind games some people are trying to play, being honest makes you a good person and on the flip side lying makes you a bad person.  Al has laid out a proper response, with bullet point summaries of each of the discrepancies in my posts and on the flip side you are just goading me to react to your petty name callings and piss poor reasons.

I just found it irritating that i'm getting PM's from members telling me not to spoil the fun you're all having and thinking that whilst some of you are trying to compile evidence or whatever against this person, the rest are blatantly just trolling/feeding him indirectly. As i don't like the blatant mind games etc i was direct about it. Ok so i'm also feeding him but i've made three posts now as opposed to the pages/different threads posted in. small morsels compared to the feeding frenzy of the masses.

Unlike SOM, I didn't want any attention. All i wanted to do was try and get my point across, guess i got a little carried away and ended up losing the plot. Shit happens.  Now (as with many other times both recently and in the past) i am being trolled for joining in with my two pennies.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #115 on: July 01, 2013, 10:55:47 AM »
Thanks Al, that brought me back up :)  Constructive criticism is better than just being rude with poor reasons.  That is what I2 memebrs should be like. Some people have obviously forgotten the main page.  I've been very stressed out as of late, family stuff that i will never speak of to anyone but has been affecting my mood (as i'm nowhere near perfect!).

Jack, maybe i should indeed.

CF... If god existed (which it doesn't!) why would it leave me in charge!? or any of us "superior beings" as most christians/jews believe we apparantly are. But you still make me hard when you show your affection. Touching stuff ^^.  Also, Yes was being direct as opposed to the boring mind games some people are trying to play, being honest makes you a good person and on the flip side lying makes you a bad person.  Al has laid out a proper response, with bullet point summaries of each of the discrepancies in my posts and on the flip side you are just goading me to react to your petty name callings and piss poor reasons.

I just found it irritating that i'm getting PM's from members telling me not to spoil the fun you're all having and thinking that whilst some of you are trying to compile evidence or whatever against this person, the rest are blatantly just trolling/feeding him indirectly. As i don't like the blatant mind games etc i was direct about it. Ok so i'm also feeding him but i've made three posts now as opposed to the pages/different threads posted in. small morsels compared to the feeding frenzy of the masses.

Unlike SOM, I didn't want any attention. All i wanted to do was try and get my point across, guess i got a little carried away and ended up losing the plot. Shit happens.  Now (as with many other times both recently and in the past) i am being trolled for joining in with my two pennies.

I don't know what you just said. I saw a lot of letters, and they look to be in some kind of gay configuration. You must be one of those fags or something HUEHUEHUE
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Re: is she sure
« Reply #116 on: July 01, 2013, 12:21:24 PM »
Something smells off here...

Stop taunting this loser... Surely you have enough evidence now right!?

Either ban this disgrace to men everywhere or have him arrested for stalking/inappropriate behaviour.

Stop playing this benign set of mind games with him. You'll all end up just like him if you continue acknowledging him...

I've been there and got the tshirt fucking company!!!

Enough with the bullshit already you depraved asshats.  Ypu think you're better than him but you are now the Same as him... Well done. Hope you're proud of yourselves...
It is not your place to tell people what to post or what threads to post in. Fuck off dickface.  :finger:
Thanks Al, that brought me back up :)  Constructive criticism is better than just being rude with poor reasons.  That is what I2 memebrs should be like. Some people have obviously forgotten the main page.  I've been very stressed out as of late, family stuff that i will never speak of to anyone but has been affecting my mood (as i'm nowhere near perfect!).
You wrote it you own it. I don't care what excuses you want to present in defense of your attacking members here for choosing to post in this thread or any other thread that you do not approve of. 
Jack, maybe i should indeed.

CF... If god existed (which it doesn't!) why would it leave me in charge!? or any of us "superior beings" as most christians/jews believe we apparantly are. But you still make me hard when you show your affection. Touching stuff ^^.  Also, Yes was being direct as opposed to the boring mind games some people are trying to play, being honest makes you a good person and on the flip side lying makes you a bad person.  Al has laid out a proper response, with bullet point summaries of each of the discrepancies in my posts and on the flip side you are just goading me to react to your petty name callings and piss poor reasons.

I just found it irritating that i'm getting PM's from members telling me not to spoil the fun you're all having and thinking that whilst some of you are trying to compile evidence or whatever against this person, the rest are blatantly just trolling/feeding him indirectly. As i don't like the blatant mind games etc i was direct about it. Ok so i'm also feeding him but i've made three posts now as opposed to the pages/different threads posted in. small morsels compared to the feeding frenzy of the masses.

Unlike SOM, I didn't want any attention. All i wanted to do was try and get my point across, guess i got a little carried away and ended up losing the plot. Shit happens.  Now (as with many other times both recently and in the past) i am being trolled for joining in with my two pennies.
So you consider calling people depraved asshats to somehow not be name calling Bagger? Fucking hypocrite.

You may actually be too stupid to recognize
It is not your place to tell people what to post or what threads to post in. Fuck off dickface.  :finger:
the bolded part of that quote as the reason I took issue with your histrionics but it is the reason. People are allowed to post in threads that they find interesting. I doubt that you will find many who think WWBTD prior to posting in a thread.

Regarding petty name calling, please explain how referring to members here as depraved asshats is not petty name calling.


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Re: is she sure
« Reply #117 on: July 01, 2013, 12:38:37 PM »
I've been very stressed out as of late, family stuff that i will never speak of to anyone but has been affecting my mood (as i'm nowhere near perfect!).

There there :hug: Poor widdle BadgerTom was not responsible because of stress.
Now just claim an addiction to prescription pain meds or sex and check yourself into rehab and you will have mastered the politicians art of dodging blame for their own actions. 
Unlike SOM, I didn't want any attention. All i wanted to do was try and get my point across, guess i got a little carried away and ended up losing the plot. Shit happens.  Now (as with many other times both recently and in the past) i am being trolled for joining in with my two pennies.
Nice try redefining what happened here but what people are calling you on is
1. having a hissy fit because people had the audacity to post in threads that do not have the Badger Tom seal of approval and
2. referring to those doing said posting as depraved asshats.

For future reference next time you want to get your point across without starting a pissing contest you could simply state your reasons and refrain from the pejoratives.  :dunno:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 12:41:33 PM by Cassanova Frankenstein »

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #118 on: July 01, 2013, 12:40:33 PM »
I've been very stressed out as of late, family stuff that i will never speak of to anyone but has been affecting my mood (as i'm nowhere near perfect!).

There there :hug: Poor widdle BadgerTom was not responsible because of stress.
Now just claim an addiction to prescription pain meds or sex and check yourself into rehab and you will have mastered the politicians art of dodging blame. 
Unlike SOM, I didn't want any attention. All i wanted to do was try and get my point across, guess i got a little carried away and ended up losing the plot. Shit happens.  Now (as with many other times both recently and in the past) i am being trolled for joining in with my two pennies.
Nice try redefining what happened here but what people are calling you on is
1. having a hissy fit because people had the audacity to post in threads that do not have the Badger Tom seal of approval and
2. referring to those doing said posting as depraved asshats.

For future reference next time you want to get your point across without starting a pissing contest you could simply state your reasons and refrain from the pejoratives.  :dunno:

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Re: is she sure
« Reply #119 on: July 01, 2013, 01:30:23 PM »
Odeon, i love reading your responses. "So carefully worded and full of nuances. I get that". You feel that you want to be saved eh. I guess you didn't grasp what i was imparting. It's ok though. Read it again, i'm you can do better if you do more than scan for certain words.

Start by putting together a coherent reply and I'll reconsider. :zoinks:
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