So is the rest of aff....
We sitting here talking about this woman, and she hasnt come around, hasnt even given us a secondt hought she don care about us......yet you, me and the rest of aff are obsessing over her....
Damn, she left one hell of an impression.
We are not obsessing. You have bought her up and are going all stupid about her and we are pointing it out. Only 3-5 here even know who she is. I am one of them and I am indifferent to her. I think most are.
I do not wish or ill or good. The key here is I do not wish her ill. That defines your sad, pathetic, emasculated behaviour towards her.
No one is obsessing as you are. You you. You with no life, you wish no job, you with no future, you wish no money, you with no prospects, you with a wife that is too old to tap into your middle age crisis of making you feel valuable.
These are the reasons no one is obsessing about her and why she made no impression on us.
joke is on you i guess