Something smells off here...
Stop taunting this loser... Surely you have enough evidence now right!?
Either ban this disgrace to men everywhere or have him arrested for stalking/inappropriate behaviour.
Stop playing this benign set of mind games with him. You'll all end up just like him if you continue acknowledging him...
I've been there and got the tshirt fucking company!!!
Enough with the bullshit already you depraved asshats. Ypu think you're better than him but you are now the Same as him... Well done. Hope you're proud of yourselves...
It is not your place to tell people what to post or what threads to post in. Fuck off dickface. 
Thanks Al, that brought me back up
Constructive criticism is better than just being rude with poor reasons. That is what I2 memebrs should be like. Some people have obviously forgotten the main page. I've been very stressed out as of late, family stuff that i will never speak of to anyone but has been affecting my mood (as i'm nowhere near perfect!).
You wrote it you own it. I don't care what excuses you want to present in defense of your attacking members here for choosing to post in this thread or any other thread that you do not approve of.
Jack, maybe i should indeed.
CF... If god existed (which it doesn't!) why would it leave me in charge!? or any of us "superior beings" as most christians/jews believe we apparantly are. But you still make me hard when you show your affection. Touching stuff ^^. Also, Yes was being direct as opposed to the boring mind games some people are trying to play, being honest makes you a good person and on the flip side lying makes you a bad person. Al has laid out a proper response, with bullet point summaries of each of the discrepancies in my posts and on the flip side you are just goading me to react to your petty name callings and piss poor reasons.
I just found it irritating that i'm getting PM's from members telling me not to spoil the fun you're all having and thinking that whilst some of you are trying to compile evidence or whatever against this person, the rest are blatantly just trolling/feeding him indirectly. As i don't like the blatant mind games etc i was direct about it. Ok so i'm also feeding him but i've made three posts now as opposed to the pages/different threads posted in. small morsels compared to the feeding frenzy of the masses.
Unlike SOM, I didn't want any attention. All i wanted to do was try and get my point across, guess i got a little carried away and ended up losing the plot. Shit happens. Now (as with many other times both recently and in the past) i am being trolled for joining in with my two pennies.
So you consider calling people depraved asshats to somehow not be name calling Bagger? Fucking hypocrite.
You may actually be too stupid to recognize It is not your place to tell people what to post or what threads to post in. Fuck off dickface. 
the bolded part of that quote as the reason I took issue with your histrionics but it is the reason. People are allowed to post in threads that they find interesting. I doubt that you will find many who think WWBTD prior to posting in a thread.
Regarding petty name calling, please explain how referring to members here as depraved asshats is not petty name calling.
Hahahaha, Let me show you as you don't seem to be able to read Cass.
"We stand for freedom of expression, combative debate, and the generation of ideas. There are no boundaries here over what may be said, save for one rule -
be prepared to back up your words. Or face the wrath of the community."
Back up your words, you have not done this, all you've done is belittle, swear and have now resorted to actual bullying to achieve your goal.
As far as i know depraved asshats isn't a swear word, yet Dickface is.
So ok, i know that by giving you the whole quote i'm opening myself to the "wrath of the community" stuff but that's already happened so it's fine, most people have been constructive, like Jack and Al. Rage has been himself, Working the Shaft as always which is awesome of him to keep going amidst all this fun you're having apparantly at my expense, but you are taking this way too personally, so your comments that you've directed towards me now make a bit more sense.
And as far as using pejoratives, you could try taking your own advice... Because depraved asshats is not directed at anyone in particular but your comments are solely directed at me "Now just claim an addiction to prescription pain meds or sex and check yourself into rehab and you will have mastered the politicians art of dodging blame for their own actions."
And show me where i said that i wasn't responsible... go for it!
I wasn't dodging the blame, i was just answering Al's question, this forum is for posing questions and answering.
Ok, to all the people that feel offended by me calling them depraved asshats, i am sorry. i got a little mad and said some things that i regret.
But Cass, i am now going to withdraw that for you... You say that i'm bad for the things i've done but you're worse than me in so many ways, namely Bullying. I'm not the only one whose noticed it so i know i'm not making it up.
If you have anything relevant, rather than projecting your own life onto mine (maybe rehab as i don't have either a sex/medication issue!) then i'll be happy to listen to you bullying me

Phwoar, this was a lovely chat, everyone's feeling better yeah!? i am. Although my butt hurts now... maybe i'll need to goto rehab LOL
Odeon, coherence is futile!