Swanson: NOOOOOOO!!!! GOD PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!Gopher Gary: What's up with him?Genesis: The is sending him back to High School.Gopher Gary: Oh dear
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Sos he cant take care o me?
Xos she biracial and people shouldnt be biracial
Im obsessed wit ne woman who can financially support me.
My wife don like me...she says i dont make enough money, and u need to get a job.Lk has a job or the potential to have a job, and shes younger. Younger ands ezier.
Whose her fella? Is he wite or blak?I saw her brothers pic at her house......he said it was his sisters house....so she bought a nice house?? An im 50 eiy a shitty boat??Her man is lucky.....he got a good woman