Here is the problem. I do know her. I know her writings. I know that what she writing and the values and beliefs she has evidenced in her writing is rather different to mine and an affront to my reasoning and values. Therefore I can only view anything she says as to be VERY carefully scrutinised at best or dismissed as not worth considering at worst.
Except that you DO NOT know her. You know her at work, doing a job. You also know her views on feminism. This is completely related.
you just stereotyped.
Not at all.
Here is an example to illustrate.
Let's say that my actual name was "The Reverend Al Swearengen". Let's say I belonged to a Fundamentalist Christian sect and that I was known to, as my churches frontman, lay on hands to heal and to attend exorcisms.
You would be stereotyping if you knew only that i was a Reverend and on this basis formulated an idea to share with others about what and who I was about. "I bet he is a solemn, holier-than-thou, fatcat, used to being toadied up to by his flock and underlings". as stereotyped as this may be, it may be right or wrong. (I bet there are a percentage of dumb blondes that fill their stereotype)
If you knew a little more and that I did all those exorcisms and laying on hands, you may be stereotyping me as some wacko David Koresh in the making, someone so out of touch with reality than I am a bad day off going the full congregation murder suicide pact.
If though you had read my writings and media and in my different accounts I had written so very bland things but the occasion thing to get the antenna up, my saying here that I "see daemons move around and through people" and that "anyone not believing in God is unable to be included as a member of humanity", would NOT be you stereotyping IF you saw an article unrelated to religion or his specific religious beliefs or affiliations, but was talking about a whistleblower....
Yes you COULD reasonably say something like "I know this Reverend, I don't trust him as far as I could thrown him. He is a wacko. He has some very weird ideas. It is small wonder though. The Christian Fundamentalists with their "spiritual connectedness" really can go too far. Makes people like this guy. What he may be saying may be OK but I have read some of his stuff and some of it is just nuts. I do not trust him or his judgment."
Congratulations McJagger, you do not know what a stereotype is.