Totally. Sports are gay. I mean I watch the superbowl for the commercials and that's it. I actually discussed this with my English teacher last semester. Guy was real into sports, and liked debate. So I brought it up. I asked him why it was necessary for dudes at sports bars to actually stand up and scream, and pump their fists as if they were the ones who's accomplished the feat of strength and skill they'd just witnessed.
I then stated that the only way i'd care about a sport, is if I was playing in it myself, because then it would be fun. Otherwise, whats there to be interested in?
He couldn't come up with anything. He tried to say that perhaps it was a carry over from the tribal nature of humans, but I shot that down as conjecture.
TL;DR, this is just bullshit. 
Boooooo Rage
Sports are awesome

Im watching Wimbledon at the moment. Go on Andy Murray and Sabine Lisicki

And playing sports is great fun. I'm the goalie in a 5-a-side team, and we usually play twice a week. It is probably the most fun thing that I do 
Explain how that's fun even though you're not playing? If its not ME playing the game, why should I be exited?
It is exciting if you care about a player, or a team. I've watched Andy Murray play tennis since he was a 17 year old boy. That's my whole adult life.
To see him win the tournament that in Britain, we see as the biggest in the world, would be exciting. I've grown to kinda care a little bit about him. I would imagine that this is a huge ambition for him.
If I heard that you were close to achieving something that would fulfill your lifes ambition, I would be dead excited for you, and Id be really sad for you if you failed.
It's the same with the football team I support. My uncle has always owned shares in the team, and when I was a kid, he had a seat on the board. I loved going to the football with him, and I would meet the players and they would be nice. I still have a lot of affection for the club, so when the team does well, I feel really happy for them, and when they do badly, I feel sad.
Sorry, that was a rather long, rambling reply