Yes, I realize the historical significance of it and all, but my GOD those classes were horrible...
I remember, sitting for myself, no aquaintances, SPITEFULLY writing "Apple" as the only note in my book, since the lecturer was going on and on about "The IDEA of an apple!"
LOL. Yeah I don't think you really learn a damn thing in college about philosophy. They really like to focus on fundamental bullshit that a five year old would find simple and "Yyyyyeah, so?", and they don't really focus on the concepts involved in looking for truths.
People put a lot of faith in philosophy, an aspie friend of mine, we talk about this too, people have told him "read this, read that" what the fuck for? Read science. Use your brain to figure out the rest.
He told me his dad was
shocked at such callous attitude, HOW can you SAY this about philosophy!?
But... "Don't be a dick!" I mean... does it really need to go beyond that!?
How helpless are we really, to require so much more!?
The problem is of course that people ARE dicks, and for those, law-books exist, with dry, pragmatic laws: If you murder, you'll be dealt with. If you steal, you'll be dealt with. Those are, in theory, organized promises.
Now, how exactly to do that is a matter of detail - but people are dicks.
But as for personal philosophy - once you sortof are confident with yourself, that you haven't been stomping on a lot of kittens lately, that you aren't being a total dick... that should be enough

If you know you are a nice person, then go fishing, no need to be worshipping gods or doing weird rituals, or reading long books by French sexual deviants