What else yanks my chain:
People who, when their dog is pooping on someone else's grass, get busy on their phone not noticing.
Then walk away without cleaning it up.
I'm all for picking up poop
if required, what yanks my chain is when people get all principle.. -ish? about it, like my dad and his wife. They are awesome people, but too awesome, too nice, too helpful, sometimes

For example, when walking my grandmothers dog in Spain, dads wife insisted I bring along some dog-poo bags, to recover the poop.
As the only moron in Valencia, to touch dog-shit.
Theres a HUGE "flower bed" outside, with litterally 100 000 dog-shits on it.
I asked, rethorically, "so... you guys want me to... aim between the hundreds of shits - and pick up our... one... shit. And discard, of that shit - amongst the thousands."