I'm almost positive anything you do on a social website can be monitored by the NSA.
Not everything, not the way the PRISM thing is set up. I could be wrong but it's not what that Snowden chap says.
A lie. See they have the capability of monitoring everything. I mean everything on the network. All calls, imformation attatched to origin and destination of call, content of call, all internet activity. You name it. And they might say, oh sure we have that capability....
But we don't use it. We only use a small part of it, such as duration of calls and phone numbers. You know, like the president was recorded saying for all the world to see. The president can't lie! No president has ever lied, and even if they did, our current president has never been caught in a lie! At least not more than once... twice. Three times max. SERIOUSLY you fuckers need to stop being so critical of king Obama, damn!