I generally help out people who look like they need it. My wife and I took in one of my sons friends when he was 16 and had no where to go, he lived with us three years and was the first in his family to graduate high school we still consider him one of our kids.

Still think this is awesome.
So do I.

I don't have lots of money so I don't pay it forward as much as I would like. I have donated heaps of clothes to various charities (either too small or I haven't worn it in over a year) and they are good quality. I don't donate stuff with stains or rips/holes.
I saw someone drop $70 on the ground in the city. I picked it up and ran after them to give it back to them. I could have really used the money but that would really play on my conscience if I took it for myself.
I have given my ticket for parking to someone coming in as I am going out. That is easy.
My friend donates lengths of all kinds of fabric to be made for clothes for people in Africa.
Another old friend puts a gift under the Kmart Chrismas tree each year for people who can;t afford presents.