Author Topic: Post what you have learned in movies  (Read 1727 times)

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Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2009, 10:05:52 AM »
A League of Their Own:

African Americans can play ball too just like anyone else and Dottie didn't know it
If anyone mocks you from the stands, just throw the ball at them to shut them up and people will turn and laugh at them instead
If you get mad at your sister and you have a baseball in handy, break the window you sister is sitting next too
You shouldn't be hanging out with someone if she has gone all the way (sex before marriage)
It takes one brat to cause a bus driver to quit his job
"Bratty" sisters finally grow up after beating their sister finally
The best way of dealing with a bully is jumping on their backs (literally) but then it will give you a trip to a cold shower by your manager
Dottie had troubles with the bears in Yellowstone Park
It takes one throw to hit Stillwell with a mitt
Cow girls eat grass
It's horrible to be traded to another team even though you are still playing and it's your sister's fault
Kit threw a risinbag at Dottie and told her to get her fat ass behind the plate
Stillwell can hit off Kit's pitching when she is mighty sore
Dottie backed Betty up for pitching but couldn't back Kit up

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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2009, 11:29:38 AM »
1. The importance of rabies vaccines.-- Cujo

2. If you're going to volunteer as a camp counselor at some creepy backwoods campsite....don't have sex and let the spazzy kid drown...better yet, don't have sex.-- Friday the 13th

3. Any car that can fix itself is going to have some issues.-- Christine

4. Never agree to stay at a secluded mountain hotel in the dead of winter with a mentally deranged spouse.-- The Shining

5.The quickest way to kill a zombie is to shoot it in the head.-- Night of the Living Dead

6. Don't tease the "weird" girl, it can come back and bite you in the ass. -- Carrie

7. When staying overnight at run-down hotels managed by shy momma's boys...avoid showers. -- Psycho

8. Children with seriously warped parents can grow up to be warped adults...get counseling. -- Halloween

9. Clowns are scarey. --It

10. Too much rural life can actually be a bad thing for some kids. -- Children of the Corn

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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2009, 12:15:44 AM »
When you have a hysterical, obsessive religious or psychotic person in your group, you should just kill them when they loose it; because they're going to become a major liability later on.
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2017, 08:56:05 PM »
I learned that women and children cant run as fast as men, so when you're shooting at them, you don't lead them as much.

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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2017, 09:18:06 PM »
I learned that women and children cant run as fast as men, so when you're shooting at them, you don't lead them as much.

I learned the bad guys are always terrible shots, so even thought they have an endless supply of bullets I can still take my time and not tire myself trying to run.

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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2017, 09:36:16 PM »
I never got 'carrie', well I got why she went on the rampage in the book/movie, but the torment campaign waged against her that lit the fuse of her going postal...she wasn't ugly like it was implied, carrie was pretty damn hawt as I remember the movie.

Things  I've learned from movies-people who start to worry there is some sort of vicious killer lurking, tend to go poking around in graveyards at night, or down dark flights of stairs into basements when there is a power cut and they are unarmed, or only have a torch trying to see what the vicious monster is, or find the demented knife-wielding psychopath.

Teens having sex usually end up being slaughtered by psychopaths if one is about on the prowl for victims.

The black always has to die first if there is one.

People try and run away after being shot in the leg, stabbing people usually isn't either very painful (being stabbed, rather) nor is it fatal unless in the heart or head/throat if the knife is in the hands of a good guy, but every swing by a psycho killer ends up decapitating their victims, taking arms and legs off, and every stab ends up with a killing.

Nothing good ever happens to lovecraftian cultists, but they worship and summon things that ought not to be summoned anyway despite that the inbound flight from abomination airways inc. is invariably pissed and ALWAYS hungry for flesh and for souls.

When a virus infects a hospital or population and people start vomiting blood, people are careless with their hazmat suits. and that these are the times you should quit your job and get the fuck out.

In fights people can take vastly more punishment than it takes to down even the toughest man and carry on fighting, ignore their autonomic nervous system, and often heal up just fine with just a bandage and something to sterilize the wound in minutes.

People really badly wounded will stop screaming when the person cauterizing the gushing wound left after having a limb cut/ripped off with a red hot piece of metal, or once the complicated fracture they have, when the bones have been forced back into position and splinted, from where they had snapped and ripped their way through somebody's arms, legs, ribcage etc. and can seemingly manage without any pain relief from the most brutal of injuries.

Hideously wounded soldiers determined to fight on to the last often refuse morphine to help them stay alert despite having been blown up, shot to shit or burnt to a crisp and they know they aren't getting out alive, they'll refuse the morphine anyway. (it'd be more likely by far to let you continue to fight and to ignore greater degrees of pain and damage until you die/get killed more thoroughly  again, and when your able to move and stand then your not likely to pass out standing up on your feet unless the dose is huge. It is possible but it takes a very large dose of painkillers for a person's individual tolerance level for that to happen; easier by far if sitting, or lying down but if walking or running then it really isn't likely.

Just one 'alien' (as in the things from the alien films, and alien vs predator films) is enough to slaughter an entire starship full of armed men and potentially androids as well, even once they know its there.

When the shit hits the fan, the lights are probably going to go out.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2017, 09:47:32 PM »
Farnsworth is right. The religious types, the mentally unstable, and the hysterical ought to be quickly and quietly killed as soon as possible if they don't get it together and shut the fuck up.

Don't waste time with a liability in the group. If you aren't willing to end them yourself, leave them. If its me or somebody else, due to their incapability to hold on to their shit, don't expect me to keep you around, because I am NOT going to let myself get added to the creature's menu.

People are always going to find out there is at least one group member who lacks the survival instinct enough not to scream or yelp when something or someone starts prowling around.

Nazis have a lot of talented scientists in the area of creating supernaturally-powered super-soldiers, or the nazi army fielded psykers in WWII.

And lastly-the only good clown is a dead clown. One that is made dead and stays dead.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2017, 10:12:28 PM »
I learned that women and children cant run as fast as men, so when you're shooting at them, you don't lead them as much.

I learned the bad guys are always terrible shots, so even thought they have an endless supply of bullets I can still take my time and not tire myself trying to run.


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Re: Post what you have learned in movies
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2017, 09:18:03 AM »
While the actresses are good they never quite "get" me right.
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