Yes! It's Fester's doppleganger 
He is settling in fine! The dogs haven't met him. They have their own housing so it is not something i will be trying out for a while. I have much experience with dogs but i am just a trainee at cat ownership so i am on dodgy ground.
I am reading up on the pro's and con's of neutering. Being from a dog show world it is a foreign concept. Although i can see why it is recommended.
He loves the urchin, especially when he sits on the sofa with his feet hanging over the edge and his toes wriggling 
"i told you to put your slippers on boy"
Cats are easier than dogs IMO. They're just different.
If you have something he can climb and perch on like one of those tower carpeted structures he will be very happy. Don't buy one in a brick-and-mortar store, they're a lot cheaper online. A bird feeder in the window will entertain him for hours. You don't need expensive toys. My cat prefers my ponytail ties over any of her other toys.
Catnip is HILARIOUS.

Some cats need more than one litter pan or they go all over the floor. If he's having accidents try moving the pan or getting a second one. My cat wouldn't go in the basement so I moved her pan upstairs. She didn't have any accidents after that. Spoiled brat cat!

They barf a lot. It doesn't necessarily mean they're sick, just gluttonous.
You can train him to use the toilet if you want. It is kind of a pain and it doesn't always work, though.
Glad it is going well.