I see little people. My conversations with them are pretty one-sided. You can choose from two monologues: Minecraft or Portal.
Tell them the blocks are a lie.

I will.
Their favorite game is this version of minecraft - a mod or something? I really do try to tune it out. I'm a horrible human being, but it is how I stay sane. It is a Portal version of minecraft with blocks that look like cake.
Middle was furious when I informed him that he would not be getting an actual portal gun for Christmas. I tried to explain to him that they are not real. This was unacceptable. When the baby aspie fury died down, he hatched a plan to become the "boss of the scientists" so he could order those morons to make a portal gun already. I tried to explain to him that a candidate for Boss Scientist would probably have to spend a few years as a scientist himself before becoming the boss. He rolled his eyes at me and informed me that, no, he would just be the boss. Well, so much for the few years I spent as a research assistant! Apparently I learned nothing about how the whole "science" thing works.

Good thing I've got a six y/o to explain these things for me.
I love how he assumes that everyone around him is hopelessly dense. Typical arrogant aspie, and I've no one to blame except myself for contributing to that portion of his genetic makeup. Ah well. It will be cute for a few more years, so I guess I'll enjoy it for now.