
Author Topic: I'm looking for love  (Read 8223 times)

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Offline Bastet

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #165 on: June 11, 2013, 11:34:30 PM »
It doesn't matter what Richard says, there are some people who won't give him a chance.
There us someone else who is just nasty and looks for any opening to attack other males.

Sticky Ricky has done and been the same for a long time. Actually to be completely honest, when he stopped drinking and changed his name to Nile, I was amazed that his quality of writing had improved so much. There was simply nothing to pull him up on. I think I even plussed him a few times. Now he is back to being.....him.

He's been *him* all the time, mate. Can't be anyone else, just like you and me.

McJ is right, though. He's taken quite a beating the last few days. I wonder why, because he isn't any worse than most others here. He's got his flaws, sure, but he hasn't actually changed and acquired new ones. Quite the contrary, I would say, since he has stopped drinking.

I wonder what it is that makes people choose a target like that.

Its a fair question.

I can say for me, it was a combination of a few different things. First it was eris leaving and a bit of a void in a chew toy. Ricky was posting ok I thought. It seemed to gel with his whole stop drinking thing. Then he started having a go at DFG and the silly shit returned. Slim pickings went to easy pickings.
Had he not have had a go at her? I dunno, probably would have just kept insults to the insult thread?
As to anyone else? I dunno?

DFG had a go at him as well. Don't know who started it.

Thing is, it is my impression that Richard is more of a target than others here, and I don't see why that is. He isn't any less coherent than others, he isn't more spazzy, and his replies make a hell of a lot more sense than some people's.

For better or worse, he is consistent.

I was poking at him, but I didn't mean it to be nasty and said so when I noticed he was offended. I did respond to things he said where he was trolling with me. I wasn't entirely sure he was angry at me or just being Richard. I think he got hurt or something. I did feel bad he thought I was serious, but I think there is more to it than that. He seems to be alluding to something else and when I pmed him about it he acted like I was imagining things, then said I was "like eris". I made a poke about how he said it was Bodie's fault she posted her son's pic on one of The Buttcoffee Saga threads. I was referencing how MLA teased him when he posted his niece and nephews pics. He either decided I was being serious or he just refuses to admit he was mistaken. Suddenly he decided to diagnose me with borderline personality disorder because I am "like his sister". We exchanged insults until I decided to do something else. I was going to leave him alone, but I read that passive aggressive comment indirectly talking about me. Something about "emotional baggage etc, etc". I decided poke at him some more. He likes to talk shit to people, but if they return it, he goes out of his way to let people know how much he "doesn't care".

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #166 on: June 12, 2013, 01:26:23 AM »
^ Dude, were you paying attention during the 80's?  *shivers* 

I shall respectfully disagree with that.

G'day Gorgeous welcome aboard.

Will get you the newbie guide :)

^ Dude, were you paying attention during the 80's?  *shivers* 

I shall respectfully disagree with that.

G'day Gorgeous welcome aboard.

Will get you the newbie guide :),21023.msg963013.html#msg963013

This will help you understand us lot a bit......maybe

Oh the insult thread i also not as active as I would like. If you are feeling feisty try on Lord Cuntington on there.

Have chance to read the newbie guide yet AspieMomma?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #167 on: June 12, 2013, 04:47:32 AM »
It doesn't matter what Richard says, there are some people who won't give him a chance.
There us someone else who is just nasty and looks for any opening to attack other males.

Sticky Ricky has done and been the same for a long time. Actually to be completely honest, when he stopped drinking and changed his name to Nile, I was amazed that his quality of writing had improved so much. There was simply nothing to pull him up on. I think I even plussed him a few times. Now he is back to being.....him.

He's been *him* all the time, mate. Can't be anyone else, just like you and me.

McJ is right, though. He's taken quite a beating the last few days. I wonder why, because he isn't any worse than most others here. He's got his flaws, sure, but he hasn't actually changed and acquired new ones. Quite the contrary, I would say, since he has stopped drinking.

I wonder what it is that makes people choose a target like that.

Its a fair question.

I can say for me, it was a combination of a few different things. First it was eris leaving and a bit of a void in a chew toy. Ricky was posting ok I thought. It seemed to gel with his whole stop drinking thing. Then he started having a go at DFG and the silly shit returned. Slim pickings went to easy pickings.
Had he not have had a go at her? I dunno, probably would have just kept insults to the insult thread?
As to anyone else? I dunno?

DFG had a go at him as well. Don't know who started it.

Thing is, it is my impression that Richard is more of a target than others here, and I don't see why that is. He isn't any less coherent than others, he isn't more spazzy, and his replies make a hell of a lot more sense than some people's.

For better or worse, he is consistent.

I am consistent too. When I see him saying silly shit i have a poke at him. I will probably always do that to some extent.
Now you may say, "Well, in fairness, do you do this to others for being dropkicks?" Yes.

I will rattle off a few names

General Razorbeard

I can not convince me that the attention I give Richard is at the level that i give the above list.

There are others of course that I have had a run in or two with. It normally is because at the time I have found that what they have said is silly shit.

You can say that the members on my list, are not on the board. I would agree. Were they here I am sure Ricky would not get as much attention because his silly shit would measure as such better quality against the above and i would be having too much time to read his posts most likely.

You may also say i "favour some members" above Ricky. Most members here I get along with because I do not think they say silly shit. I agree with a lot of it or am completely indifferent to the rest. That is not Ricky's fault of course, but neither mine.

You have seen that since I have been here, I am not shy to pull up someone or defend against a position even if unpopular. If your premise is that I treat Richard unfavourably or unfairly or inconsistently...gonna have to disagree
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #168 on: June 12, 2013, 09:47:28 AM »
I made a poke about how he said it was Bodie's fault she posted her son's pic on one of The Buttcoffee Saga threads. I was referencing how MLA teased him when he posted his niece and nephews pics. He either decided I was being serious or he just refuses to admit he was mistaken. Suddenly he decided to diagnose me with borderline personality disorder because I am "like his sister". We exchanged insults until I decided to do something else. I was going to leave him alone, but I read that passive aggressive comment indirectly talking about me. Something about "emotional baggage etc, etc". I decided poke at him some more. He likes to talk shit to people, but if they return it, he goes out of his way to let people know how much he "doesn't care".
We have already been over this. It was not a joke, a poke or anything else. it only became so after the fact because, I found a loophole in your argument. If I was unable to find one, suddenly now your accusation would have been true and I would have been a huge hypocrite for saying I would never post pictures of my kids online. Do you see the difference? why I keep having to explain this to you, is because now your trying to save face. because your plan to make me look like a hypocrite failed, I mean yeah really. You are borderline. you meet the criteria for the disorder, and if you weren't acting like you didn't have it I wouldn't have mentioned it. The thing is you will never win an argument with someone who is borderline because they are always right, and there too delusional to see what actually is happening. I would definetly call you an emotional wreck, likinging someone one minute, then hating their guts is a symptom of BPD. so is being suicidal, so is blurting things out because you have impusliviaty issues, so is being female. All of which you are, the reason why I said you were like my sister is because well, you are. She acts just like this

In short, you can do as you please and try to convince people here you aren't some emotional wreck.
the only one your fooling is yourself,  :hahaha:

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #169 on: June 12, 2013, 10:44:53 AM »
I think everybody is an emotional wreck from time to time.

Offline Bastet

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #170 on: June 12, 2013, 12:16:07 PM »
I think everybody is an emotional wreck from time to time.

I think everybody is an emotional wreck from time to time.

This. Ricky seems to be trying to convince everyone here he is superhuman and above us all. He just sho speshul. He never is an emotional wreck. He has the answers to everything.  :autism:


It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline Jesse

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #171 on: June 12, 2013, 12:20:52 PM »
watts amatta baby? running out of road? awww.


Next time before you think you can pull one over, maybe you shoud tell your weird personality to take a back seat while you drive.

Offline Bastet

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #172 on: June 12, 2013, 12:25:55 PM »
watts amatta baby? running out of road? awww.


Next time before you think you can pull one over, maybe you shoud tell your weird personality to take a back seat while you drive.

Herp derp

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #173 on: June 12, 2013, 01:03:30 PM »
It doesn't matter what Richard says, there are some people who won't give him a chance.
There us someone else who is just nasty and looks for any opening to attack other males.

Sticky Ricky has done and been the same for a long time. Actually to be completely honest, when he stopped drinking and changed his name to Nile, I was amazed that his quality of writing had improved so much. There was simply nothing to pull him up on. I think I even plussed him a few times. Now he is back to being.....him.

He's been *him* all the time, mate. Can't be anyone else, just like you and me.

McJ is right, though. He's taken quite a beating the last few days. I wonder why, because he isn't any worse than most others here. He's got his flaws, sure, but he hasn't actually changed and acquired new ones. Quite the contrary, I would say, since he has stopped drinking.

I wonder what it is that makes people choose a target like that.

so odeon, let me get this straight.

its ok for richard to say out of the way things to people

to deride people

to spoof peoples screennames

its ok for him to do that

but not ok for others to give  it back

thats interesting

especially since it was decided not to put him on the protected members list

making him fair game

either protect him or dont

also keep it in mind the next time you or McJ decide to get in someones shit


its all right for you two, but not for others?

I see

wtf are you talking about.  I didn't read that as odeon saying its not ok to pick on Richard.
He was agreeing that Richard has been taking a beating lately.
He observed that he wasn't much worse acting than anyone else.
And wondered why he was every bodies target.

Odeon can be nasty.
Even admits so.
I saw him warn lit that he was about to get mean in another thread.
Showed restraint.
I applaud that.

You, on the other hand, are judgmental.
And unprovoked you begin attacking people.
Mainly males.

You don't even try to be understanding of others.
You make up your mind.
Just like that.

I lolled hard. Good impression would read again. He did have a neat point, but so do you. Sky is a faggot that has fantasies about sucking the cock of any strong male he encounters, so he reacts aggressively, trying to convince himself he is not gay. But he is.  ;)

He made a good point though, saying that if richy makes trouble for himself, then that's his fault. "Run your mouth, someone is going to punch you in it." I agree.
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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #174 on: June 12, 2013, 02:46:01 PM »
It doesn't matter what Richard says, there are some people who won't give him a chance.
There us someone else who is just nasty and looks for any opening to attack other males.

Sticky Ricky has done and been the same for a long time. Actually to be completely honest, when he stopped drinking and changed his name to Nile, I was amazed that his quality of writing had improved so much. There was simply nothing to pull him up on. I think I even plussed him a few times. Now he is back to being.....him.

He's been *him* all the time, mate. Can't be anyone else, just like you and me.

McJ is right, though. He's taken quite a beating the last few days. I wonder why, because he isn't any worse than most others here. He's got his flaws, sure, but he hasn't actually changed and acquired new ones. Quite the contrary, I would say, since he has stopped drinking.

I wonder what it is that makes people choose a target like that.

Its a fair question.

I can say for me, it was a combination of a few different things. First it was eris leaving and a bit of a void in a chew toy. Ricky was posting ok I thought. It seemed to gel with his whole stop drinking thing. Then he started having a go at DFG and the silly shit returned. Slim pickings went to easy pickings.
Had he not have had a go at her? I dunno, probably would have just kept insults to the insult thread?
As to anyone else? I dunno?

DFG had a go at him as well. Don't know who started it.

Thing is, it is my impression that Richard is more of a target than others here, and I don't see why that is. He isn't any less coherent than others, he isn't more spazzy, and his replies make a hell of a lot more sense than some people's.

For better or worse, he is consistent.

I am consistent too. When I see him saying silly shit i have a poke at him. I will probably always do that to some extent.
Now you may say, "Well, in fairness, do you do this to others for being dropkicks?" Yes.

I will rattle off a few names

General Razorbeard

I can not convince me that the attention I give Richard is at the level that i give the above list.

There are others of course that I have had a run in or two with. It normally is because at the time I have found that what they have said is silly shit.

You can say that the members on my list, are not on the board. I would agree. Were they here I am sure Ricky would not get as much attention because his silly shit would measure as such better quality against the above and i would be having too much time to read his posts most likely.

You may also say i "favour some members" above Ricky. Most members here I get along with because I do not think they say silly shit. I agree with a lot of it or am completely indifferent to the rest. That is not Ricky's fault of course, but neither mine.

You have seen that since I have been here, I am not shy to pull up someone or defend against a position even if unpopular. If your premise is that I treat Richard unfavourably or unfairly or inconsistently...gonna have to disagree

Inconsistently, no. And yes, the others on your list aren't here. My guess is that you gave them about the same amount of TLC as you give to Richard now.

But this wasn't about someone's inconsistency. I simply wondered why Richard is more of a target than others, and McJ noted that same thing. And no, answering "well, the others aren't here" may be true but c'mon, shouldn't we be above that sort of thing by now?

Must there always be a target around?
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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #175 on: June 12, 2013, 02:47:10 PM »
Sounds like some horrible pop rap song

  Give it a chance, you'll be dancing around your apartment!   :hyke:
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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #176 on: June 12, 2013, 02:54:57 PM »
Richard, why don't you go to a community college or trade school?
Thiose are good places to meet people.  And as you better yourself you will gain more confidence. And learn to believe in yourself.
well to be truthfull I have thought about it, the problem is I'm stuck in this cycle of:

wake up in the morning, get coffee. (I don't eat breakfast) then get online. and I can't get off, :blonde: to do other things, Its sounds absolutely silly but its true. So I never make it to college or anywhere where there are crowds of people, Also I can't socialize for shit. I mean, dogs have better people skills than me,  :laugh: I guess a lot of it is motivational issues aswell. And its probably hard for somebody who doesn't have these problems to get why somebody like myself, can't just go outside sort to speak.

I do keep telling myself that one day I'm just going to go do something, (whatever that is) but end up back into my usual cycle.

A relationship requires social skills too. Not only when you have an NT partner.

Work on that. And, work, voluntarily or paid, can be the place to practice your skills, and to meet people without the direct screening for love or friendship when you meet them.

There's lots that can be learned, and getting outside can make you less wary of other people, as long as you have enough time to recuperate.
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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #177 on: June 12, 2013, 02:59:25 PM »
Anyway, Richard, if you are serious about looking for love, look to yourself first. I mean that.  And I think it's important because (as I don't personally know you) I can guess that you wouldn't bring very much to a relationship how your life is now.
And I'd hate to see some Person give you their heart only to be hurt.
Ok. well thank you, I guess. Alls I want is occasional time alone with the person, and maybe a meal.
maybe just to be able to call someone else a boy/girlfriend. I didn't know relationships were so complicated, I hope my Taoist way of life isn't a problem for the other person, :blonde:

I let life happen. I don't form any plans to alter its course

One of the most complicated things in life, imo.
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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #178 on: June 12, 2013, 03:16:39 PM »
But this wasn't about someone's inconsistency. I simply wondered why Richard is more of a target than others, and McJ noted that same thing. And no, answering "well, the others aren't here" may be true but c'mon, shouldn't we be above that sort of thing by now?

Must there always be a target around?

My guess it is in Richard being reactive, also when there is no "need". Lestat got the same from others, and he is reactive too.
It's why some kids get targeted in schools, they are reactive, it is fun to poke them till they react.

And, then the real questions, and the pokes just meant to get a reaction get mixed. Unclear for the target to see what is what.
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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #179 on: June 12, 2013, 03:44:54 PM »
it is fun to poke them till they react.
They can't handle it more like it. The reason why I reacted so strongly the way I did to Duck was because she thought she could bag me. She almost got away with it, because people like her that are borderline think they are so sneaky and nobody can figure there little game out. her problem is a warped personality, If I was her, which, thank god I'm not I'd stop making paper meche turkeys and see someone who could tell me why I'm a Turkey. :orly: