
Author Topic: I'm looking for love  (Read 8243 times)

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #60 on: June 10, 2013, 08:17:21 PM »
You like being nasty, sky blue.
 It gives you a sense of superiority.
It goes both ways.
Like Richard.
At least he's looking.

 I write that way because this is Intensity.

 I am supposed to tell it like it is.

Not to coddle and enable someone.
you aren't supposed to do anything.
You may do whatever you want to.
You choose to be nasty.

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #61 on: June 10, 2013, 08:20:36 PM »
You like being nasty, sky blue.
 It gives you a sense of superiority.
It goes both ways.
Like Richard.
At least he's looking.

 I write that way because this is Intensity.

 I am supposed to tell it like it is.

Not to coddle and enable someone.
you aren't supposed to do anything.
You may do whatever you want to.
You choose to be nasty.
as you wish

Of course since that came from you

It must be one of those do as I say, not as I do, things.

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #62 on: June 10, 2013, 08:23:42 PM »
Everybody has a mean streak.
At times.
Yours is a norm.
You must be insecure.

Offline McGiver

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #63 on: June 10, 2013, 08:26:57 PM »
Yes, I think you are being a dick.
I think you are looking for a clear path to bully Richard.
I am currently in your way.
You use clever tactics.
But not effectively.

Later I will forget about this exchange.
And offer you support.
Or idle bantor, if needed.

I doubt you can have peace.
Give forgiveness.
Move beyond.
Your choice. Your life.

Offline skyblue1

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #64 on: June 10, 2013, 08:30:25 PM »
Dude, this is the internet

You aint in my way

I can volley at Richard any time I wish

Just like I can aim at you, any time

I expect the same in return

Call it bully, call it nasty

Your choice

I call it


Offline Jesse

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #65 on: June 10, 2013, 08:30:58 PM »
His bullying is predictable. its what society has taught him is exeptable, no matter though. I'm laughing my ass off at him
I think people like that really think they are better. much like as I said earlier a preacher man "gets a high" from preaching.
Much like skyblues attempt to belittle me, same story. different song

fucking weird. but people are strange animals

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #66 on: June 10, 2013, 08:34:16 PM »
Anyway, Richard, if you are serious about looking for love, look to yourself first. I mean that.  And I think it's important because (as I don't personally know you) I can guess that you wouldn't bring very much to a relationship how your life is now.
And I'd hate to see some Person give you their heart only to be hurt.


Offline McGiver

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #67 on: June 10, 2013, 08:35:01 PM »
Dude, this is the internet

You aint in my way

I can volley at Richard any time I wish

Just like I can aim at you, any time

I expect the same in return

Call it bully, call it nasty

Your choice

I call it

im just happy to clog up your lane.

Offline Jesse

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #68 on: June 10, 2013, 08:38:16 PM »
Anyway, Richard, if you are serious about looking for love, look to yourself first. I mean that.  And I think it's important because (as I don't personally know you) I can guess that you wouldn't bring very much to a relationship how your life is now.
And I'd hate to see some Person give you their heart only to be hurt.
Ok. well thank you, I guess. Alls I want is occasional time alone with the person, and maybe a meal.
maybe just to be able to call someone else a boy/girlfriend. I didn't know relationships were so complicated, I hope my Taoist way of life isn't a problem for the other person, :blonde:

I let life happen. I don't form any plans to alter its course

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #69 on: June 10, 2013, 08:38:24 PM »
Anyways. Like I was saying before all these bitches got mad at me here for not being like them.
I am single. looking for love, easy going. fun person to be around, likes animals especially if they are babies.
Movies? meh, not really my thing. or video games but If that's your thing I wont get mad and try to change you because your not like me.

Likes walking, cold weather, and gemstones. Loves the forest and snowy mountains.

Loves eating. all kinds of stuff, drinking coffee and intellectual conversations. Likes collecting things, music and sleeping.

Looking for similar people, or not. friendly, careing and loyal.

The only person I cannot date is a muslim. sorry, almost everyone else, Yes.

I think that the Muslim thing doesn't need to be said. Not because it makes you a racist bigot but because a homosexual Muslim man are not likely to want to acknowledge it and a Muslim woman is not likely to want to screw a guy who fucks men and women.

You may also want to drop the intellectual conversation bit, not because it is a bit pretentious but because i do not think you have the skills nor the equipment to enter into such discussions.

Apart from that, all good.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #70 on: June 10, 2013, 08:40:04 PM »
You said you were willing to relocate.

I found the perfect thing for you to check out.
yep, bet he never even bothered looking at that thread

Glad you did, so you could point it out to him

Since you are the one who seems to patronise him the most

His patron

How cute is that

Why are you always so negative and assume the worst of people?
Not of everybody.

After these several years

I have never assumed the worst of you.

Holds mirror up for DFG to look

Before you talk to me

examine & measure yourself.

Take your own advice. You troll people, but when someone else trolls or you just think they are trolling, you act all morally superior. I didn't troll AFF when I first joined. You passive-aggressively made comments to bully me.  You made it clear I "wasn't welcome". You have done that to other newbies. I notice you tend to frequently read posts in a negative light and are passive aggressive and talk down to people.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 08:42:43 PM by duckfetishgirl »

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline skyblue1

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #71 on: June 10, 2013, 08:40:13 PM »
Dude, this is the internet

You aint in my way

I can volley at Richard any time I wish

Just like I can aim at you, any time

I expect the same in return

Call it bully, call it nasty

Your choice

I call it

im just happy to clog up your lane.
You are just happy to postwhore

and hope it means something, to somebody.

I am just happy to postwhore

not expecting anything out of it.

But sure sucked you in

Offline McGiver

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #72 on: June 10, 2013, 08:43:27 PM »
Dude, this is the internet

You aint in my way

I can volley at Richard any time I wish

Just like I can aim at you, any time

I expect the same in return

Call it bully, call it nasty

Your choice

I call it

im just happy to clog up your lane.
You are just happy to postwhore

and hope it means something, to somebody.

I am just happy to postwhore

not expecting anything out of it.

But sure sucked you in
since it must mean something to you.
I'll say it.
You won.
You bested me.
You played me like a bluegrass guitar.
You are my superior.

Offline McGiver

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #73 on: June 10, 2013, 08:46:17 PM »
Anyway, Richard, if you are serious about looking for love, look to yourself first. I mean that.  And I think it's important because (as I don't personally know you) I can guess that you wouldn't bring very much to a relationship how your life is now.
And I'd hate to see some Person give you their heart only to be hurt.
Ok. well thank you, I guess. Alls I want is occasional time alone with the person, and maybe a meal.
maybe just to be able to call someone else a boy/girlfriend. I didn't know relationships were so complicated, I hope my Taoist way of life isn't a problem for the other person, :blonde:

I let life happen. I don't form any plans to alter its course
casual relationships don't take. Lot o work.  They are simple.  The best advice I an offer for those is to just be honest.  Let the other person know that you want something casual.  A meal. A talk. A fuck. Someone to call.

Love is what I thought you wanted.  My bad for taking it literal.  Love takes work. Lots of it.  It's unnatural how much it takes. :laugh:

Offline Jesse

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Re: I'm looking for love
« Reply #74 on: June 10, 2013, 08:47:06 PM »
I think that the Muslim thing doesn't need to be said. Not because it makes you a racist bigot but because a homosexual Muslim man are not likely to want to acknowledge it and a Muslim woman is not likely to want to screw a guy who fucks men and women.

You may also want to drop the intellectual conversation bit, not because it is a bit pretentious but because i do not think you have the skills nor the equipment to enter into such discussions.

Apart from that, all good.
I know out muslims. I've watched a episode of locked up abroad about a guy in Saudi Arabia who was gay, and they locked him up. thus his reason for being on the show, there's a whole gay scene in Saudi Arabia. The reason why I said no to muslims is because I don't like them. and even if I did, there would be no way for me to date a muslim openly. I would have to be in the closet, which I am not. I would date a hot Christian though, because it is far more exeptable then date a muslim at this time. Drop the intellectual conversations? I have the skills. all of your rebuttal hasn't done anything exept be a lot of hot air. that does absolutley nothing
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 08:48:45 PM by Nile »