it is fun to poke them till they react.
They can't handle it more like it. The reason why I reacted so strongly the way I did to Duck was because she thought she could bag me. She almost got away with it, because people like her that are borderline think they are so sneaky and nobody can figure there little game out. her problem is a warped personality, If I was her, which, thank god I'm not I'd stop making paper meche turkeys and see someone who could tell me why I'm a Turkey. 
But this wasn't about someone's inconsistency. I simply wondered why Richard is more of a target than others, and McJ noted that same thing. And no, answering "well, the others aren't here" may be true but c'mon, shouldn't we be above that sort of thing by now?
Must there always be a target around?
My guess it is in Richard being reactive, also when there is no "need". Lestat got the same from others, and he is reactive too.
It's why some kids get targeted in schools, they are reactive, it is fun to poke them till they react.
And, then the real questions, and the pokes just meant to get a reaction get mixed. Unclear for the target to see what is what.
Reacting on my post, you react in a way to bait DFG. There is no need for that, but you do do that. And, that probably makes it fun to get you to react.
On a forum, you'll live with that. In a relationship, things like that can wreck it completely, even in short, casual relationships.