Author Topic: Happy Singles Awareness Day!  (Read 937 times)

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Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day!
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2014, 05:03:03 AM »
Now I am having a bad taste in my mouth btw. I had my stomach turning over, because of a postcard in the mail.


Postcard aimed at me personally, from a contact and dating site for people with a psychosocial or psychiatric vulnerability.


I am not waiting for postcards with shit like that.

On the image side it says: "Durf jij met mij..." (Do you have the guts to go with me....)

Have they responded to you yet?

Yes, the responsible lady has sent me an email. She wrote the dating site had nothing to do with this, and was not even aware that this support agency had had this direct mailing campaign. (She may need to write an apology to that datingsite for this campaign)
She apologised for making me feel uncomfortable or stigmatised. And said she would use my reaction the next time she got asked to send out a direct mailing campaign. Because she could see my points.

She also asked me to send her my phonenumber, so that she could apologise in person again.

I have not sent my phone-number yet. This week I don't want any calls like that. There is enough on my plate. Somewhere in March I will allow her to call me. Not sure what I will be saying then, maybe I should mail her to ask her for her phonenumber, so that I can make the call at a time convenient for me.
On the other hand, this lady is finding her inner bitch and loving her to bits. So, if that lady calls at an inconvenient time, I will be able to tell her to call again later.
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Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day!
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2014, 08:06:51 AM »
I have not sent my phone-number yet.
Wouldn't hand out phone number to someone who distributes home address to dating sites. Seems odd she would ask for it in order to apologize again. Doesn't make sense.

Offline Semicolon

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Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day!
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2014, 05:49:26 PM »
I have not sent my phone-number yet.
Wouldn't hand out phone number to someone who distributes home address to dating sites. Seems odd she would ask for it in order to apologize again. Doesn't make sense.

I agree. It sound less like she'll stop sending you stuff and more like she wants to tailor her next mailing campaign to fit you better.
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