Cassanova, I find that absolutely intriguing as I have never, not even once, heard of anyone with a diagnosis like that, but I guess I've also never looked. Would you care to share your major struggles or what particularly made you 'too high functioning' to be declared Aspergers? Is your sociability learned? (Via things like studying body language, reading texts on expressions, rapport, etc.)
I completely understand the not wanting to be in anyone's network for employment prospects. Did you have a profession in mind, or is it just the over-arcing stigma that comes with certain diagnoses that has left you (justly) paranoid? However, I have learned two things 1. Certain diagnoses can make you more apt to attain certain jobs I am interested in... Profiling and such. And 2. That I can walk in and walk out eventually with whatever diagnosis I please anymore, because I know generally more of what they (the psych*s) are looking for than they do in most cases. Have you ever attempted this?
As for my interests- I can become interested in just about anything and everything, though some things hold my attention longer than others. The major things that come to mind as being cycled through/staples for significant periods are physics, technology (including transhumanism), and the mind (psychology, mind control, hypnosis & NLP, even some bits of new-age-y sorts of stuff.) I've also become pretty fond of citizen science. Yourself?
And Lit. Fuck yeah I'm