Once I told a cold caller they interrupted my morning wank and asked if I could continue while they talked. I moaned and lightly slapped my hand against my thigh to simulate a fapping noise. They hung up rather quickly.
That brings back work memories. 
Good God, what kind of place were you working in? 
A call-center, inbound.
Sometimes we'd get people in a trolling mode, calling with threats, not that funny. Sometimes bored school kids. Those two types would stop after an hour or less, most of the times. (Some of the numbers, for disabled people, were free of charge to call, so, trolling on a boring day was cheap that way.) Now and then we had people starting off like a regular client, then slowly getting more erotic in nature. A couple of times we had a guy who would make phone call after phone call that way, pretty explicit. And he would do that over 15 hours in a row, no break. We wondered where he found the stamina. Days with him active were funny days. It got all of us giggly. Our team leaders weren't that happy with him. He did bring productivity down, apparently.