I'm most certainly not. I actually did some searching about for Scrapheap when I came back and found him gone. Unfortunately, it's a common term. I'll find him eventually. Aircraft- not so much. Spacecraft, however- sure, absolutely... Geology is somewhat interesting, but not obsessively so. Though, I do have a rock/fossil collection. If I were deeply interested in speed it would be on road or in space, not in dirt. Guns are nice, but I'm no afficianado by any means. Plus, I find evangelical pretty much anything annoying.
I will say, though, that from what I read (silly post count) I think Scrapheap could pull off an illusion over a significant period. I think he's been underestimated.
Nevertheless, we are not one and the same unless I have a severe dissociative disorder with personalities of which I am unaware, one of which so pleasantly happens to be Scrapheap.