If this is what really makes you happy, then congraulations. Somehow though, I doubt if losing good members will help the site in the long run.
Sure Butterflies. I2 is going to go tits up due to one crybaby leaving. You have been trying to predict the demise of I2 for some time now and it hasn't worked yet. Go help Crap set up S3, that oughta do it. 

Dont twist my words. I didn't suggest that the site would go tits up because of Scrappys exit.
I am not twisting anything. You most certainly have been trying to latch on to every thing that could possibly be construed as evidence of I
2s imminent demise for well over a year. When it doesn't work out just take a page from the evangelicals and move the goal posts.
I was pretty much stating the obvious, that the more people who post, the better the site is. When less people post, the site gets worse.
By that reckoning Wrong Planet is a much better site than I
2 is since it has a hell of a lot more active posters at any given time.
In reality Crap was not here for about the first two years that I was a member here. Sir_Les was also gone for a good bit of that time. Somehow the site survived. I have taken up to 6 months at a time off. Somehow I
2 managed without me. Squid left and has not come back for over a year. Somehow I
2 has managed without him. Bint left. Phlexor and Eclair left about the same time. sleepydragon left. Loup Garou left. Celtic Goddess left, came back and left again. Jack left and came back. Shleed left. McJ left for a long time and came back. Soph mostly left. Lit left for quite a long while and came back. Benj left, I would like him back. MLA left recently. eris left in a huff twice. Rage has come and gone as has earthboundmisfit. Most new members that show up here don't stay long but enough do to keep the site going. Twist that how you will. I
2 is still open.