While applying another layer of shiny nailpolish on the nail of my left thumb, I'll tell you what happened.
Every decade or less, I slip, when cutting mature cheese. Last Friday it was my turn again, while cooking. There was a bit of blood and an amazing small amount of pain. I put on bandaids and went on with the cooking. After dinner I noticed the knife had gone in my nail in a perpendicular way. Hence the lack of pain. But now the nail would get stuck behind everything when doing things. So, cut it as short as I could. Also trimmed the flaps on the skin of my thumb. The bleeding had stopped. It was a nice clean wound. No nasty effects. Am now keeping my nail together with a fair amount of layers of nailpolish.
It's not really deep. In a month or so, I should be able to function without the use of nailpolish again.