So there you have it Eris. We* are not enamoured of Buttcoffee. Don't give a shit if you are or are not. We* will not accept justifications or minimisation as to the severity of his actions., and are not likely to change our* minds.
This is not borne of a want to chat about Buttcoffee (he is not worth gossiping about) but rather clarifying rather strange inferences you seem to be making. You can naturally make more strange inferences and this no doubt will extend the thread but it is artificially inflating the thread's length and no real indicator of a want to fixate on Buttcoffee, You, Bodie or her Urchin......just so it is all clear
* We/Our used in this way is to be used to imply a group of unnamed and unquantified group of people on this forum who are not in favour of anyone making pedophile comments about members children and who also think contacting the police is reasonable in such circumstances. Not saying any one person in particular, nor am I discounting any people to whom have no yet expressed dislike for such conduct. The group may or may not consist solely of the people expressing their disdain here or greater numbers of members on this forum. I have not factored Jack personally in this group. Nor have i sought to seek permission to speak on behalf of such people. This does not mean that I am using a royal we but rather making a reasonable association to a mindset I am reasonably certain exists on this forum over a certain matter. It may still be that i am mistaken but again I rather doubt it.
A disclaimer like this for using the term "we" seems rather pointless doesn't it Jack? Perhaps rather more reasonable to simply take the position that if a person is using we, it would generally mean they are talking about a group NOT themselves. Perhaps even further to this, pressing the point, once informed they are not using a royal we, is redundant.....yes?