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Now Now Children, learn to get along like nice peopels!!!!

It is great isn't it? Like for example I can say there is nothing to mine which could be legitimately used against me, and if such an effort was made, it would be the beginning of the end for that kind of behavior. I would start such a media/internet shitstorm that the credibility of these organizations would be damaged beyond repair. And I would sue the shit out of whoever acted against me. And win.

Yes. America -is- great. And it will fucking stay that way, thanks to me and many other people who desire to keep it so.


Well if people mined me then there could be trouble lol!

You guys get so heated up don't you! learn to embrace opposition and rise above it, not dwell like children lol


--- Quote from: RageBeoulve on May 03, 2013, 07:46:19 PM ---It is great isn't it? Like for example I can say there is nothing to mine which could be legitimately used against me, and if such an effort was made, it would be the beginning of the end for that kind of behavior. I would start such a media/internet shitstorm that the credibility of these organizations would be damaged beyond repair. And I would sue the shit out of whoever acted against me. And win.

Yes. America -is- great. And it will fucking stay that way, thanks to me and many other people who desire to keep it so.


--- End quote ---
Thanks to us all

I am only interested in protecting my property

Being the Autist that I am, wouldnt join any revolution

But the best to y'all


--- Quote from: BadgerTom on May 03, 2013, 07:47:48 PM ---Well if people mined me then there could be trouble lol!

You guys get so heated up don't you! learn to embrace opposition and rise above it, not dwell like children lol

--- End quote ---

Oh i'll let it go. I just HAD to make my point to the guy though, even if he's too thick to hear it, because I have a good heart, and care if he's being a retard.


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