Do you plan on honoring Peegai's request?
No, I don't think so. I'm not zelda. I'm Fiona.
How's life treating you, in general?
Same old same old. Having AS is the main thing in my llife that depresses me. My social skills are TERRIBLE. They make me very unhappy, and I also think everyones plotting against me because, lets face it, when I was younger and thought this, it actually turned out that they were.
Have you ever thought that it might not be autism that is the cause of everything that makes you unhappy, but rather the evironment from which you have developed from? I'm not trying to patronise you here, but your life and your struggles are far more complex in your mind than you believe them to be.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with your social skills; I believe that social interaction (along with your anxieties from the past) is more of the problem.