Oh, and Rage: you might want to listen to what the man says. You will not agree on everything but it is often worth it to listen to views other than your own.
Here's my point: you have been rather more vocal about violence towards those you feel deserve it lately. Now, I doubt you'd act on it but others, from outside this place, reading might think so. They'd see a bunch of spazzes with a dx in common, see a rather vocal guy advocating violence for everything he doesn't believe in, an ex-army guy to boot, and think that yes, spazzes can be like that and wasn't some school shooter diagnosed with that shit? And see what happened.
They should all be locked away. There should be laws against allowing people like that to carry arms. There should be laws to protect us. And for chrissakes, do something about that site.
How easily the public mind is swerved when need be.
I am not about to tell you to stop. I don't think anyone can actually use this to take down the site. But I can see Sky's point.
I cannot argue that logic, Odeon. Sky is a cunt, and I relished giving him a bit of satire to be annoyed with. But you're right. Perhaps I should modify some posts?
Doubt seriously if your rhetoric would take down this site
dont go getting the bighead
Data miners will eventually see it, though
They are looking for homegrown terrorists
790 billion dollars has been spent on homeland security in the last decade
Most of it approved by the very people in congress whom you seem to have an alliance with.
The NRA's bullshit about background checks isnt about the background checks at all
They could give a shit
Its about controlling their politicians
Its about power and their alliance with the Koch brothers
Which we all should know is about nothing but power, since they have all the money in the world
But I digress
You need to tone it down
Cause that government you are ranting against, is watching

we know how you feel and support your right to feel that way
excuse me
but what the hell
are you talking about I
can't really follow your train of thought
you seem to have
at least some of the
ideas but
you confuse me for someone
who gives a flying fuck that
big brother is watching I would
punch him even harder with
my propaganda in
retaliation for even lifting