I can be dumber than shit sometimes. When it happens at work it can cause great embarrassment and humiliation. The upside of it is I don't usually fuck things up in the same way twice.
I am socially fucked up and suck at picking up women.
I get locked into doing things in a sequence that makes sense to me, however if anything in the sequence can't be done in order I can get lazy as shit about getting anything done. I recently did this with my truck needing smogged prior to registration. Because I have had new enough vehicles to not require smog tests going back about 15 years I worried about whether I needed a tune up and
what if the engine is fucked up and won't pass. This burned up 3 weeks of getting nothing done. Finally I took it down to the test station and 25 minutes later I had the receipt in hand and the results had been forwarded to DMV direct from shop so an additional 30 minutes later I had done my registration over the phone.

That ^^^ particular debacle set back my trip to San Diego until May when I had originally wanted to be there and back by April 30th.

I am lazy. I have not done French study very much at all since I finished my trip. Also I have the Pimsleur Tagalog program for a few weeks now and have not even loaded it onto my PC.

That will do for now. I don't want to focus too much on negatives. I have already spent too much of my life kicking myself in the ass.