OK, rage. To start, I'll just quote my previous reply on this issue.
The specific issue I'll additionally address is that the notion that gyms are universally accessible and affordable is bullshit. People also don't always have safe places to go out walking- or FEEL safe. Depending on where you live, there may be months at a time where going out walking isn't really a reasonable expectation because of extremity of cold and/or snow accumulation making sidewalks inaccessible.
re: Who does and does not have medical problems: How do you know the percentage of people with "legitimate" medical problems, Rage? Can you quote me statistics on this? Can you cite credible sources? You have the good luck to, apparently, be reasonably healthy, young, and free of disabling pain. That doesn't mean everyone else is the same way.
Yes, there's lots of food available. Good-quality food, no. It's harder to access and it's more expensive and takes more effort. If you assume limited access to good-quality food, then you get into the issues that come with only having access to poor-quality food. It's not simply an issue of eating less of it. There's also the havoc shitty food (AS WELL as inadequate nutrition- and these can be tandem problems) can wreak on your body, and on your head.
Okay Elle. It seems that you just don't realize how serious a problem this is, and you doubt that i've done any real research. I must seem just a stupid passionate jock to you eh?
I digress. I will HELP you see the truth by providing sources, and real numbers.
And I do not disagree with you about the foodservice industry. Its fucking ridiculous, and i'm aware of that, but it still does not merit the numbers which I will be presenting to you. First off, I will post some links, and let you look for yourself. Your unfit for work link was a good one, but a bit to vague tho show the actual gravity of the point i've been trying to make. In the next couple of days, I will begin to pick things out of them for you when I have the time, helping you to see the information more clearly. Fair and rational, yes?
See my reply to pyraxis below. I'm not sure how the articles linked above have anything to do with your original babblings about fat people not moving their fat asses.
I grew up in central Canada, girl, and walked to school through plenty of snow, uphill both ways...
Kidding, the prairie was pancake-flat, there were no hills.
I didn't pick up that Rage was obsessing over gyms.
As for safety, I actually thought it was more common to get jumped as an early-morning jogger if you were in an affluent park area. But there are also various types of exercise you can do in your own home. I'm not out to deny that safety is ever an issue, just looking to weed through excuses. But are you wanting to shift to discussion on a systemic level, new programs that could be implemented, changes that could be made to get the existing ones more effective, that kind of thing? Or maybe culture and inspiration, effective role models for demonstrating the skills necessary to overcome poverty?
Not getting it.
Well, I was originally taking issue with Rage's initial response to this thread, which was to spam the first page of it with pictures of overweight people because Those Fat Fucks Are On Disability, and, as a subset, apparently, Fat people Are Lazy Fat Fucks, with the conclusion Fuck Those Fat Motherfucking Fucks On Disability, if I'm correctly understanding his worldview.
Now, I feel like on this thread, I am engaging in three debates.
1. Whether or not fat people can help being fat/if it is their fault that they are fat. (The issue of "should" has not been broached; it has been assumed that fat is bad.)
2. All of the things are wrong with disability, and with people on it. (see below)
3. Whether or not I think Rage is wrong (and this seems to be being posited as my opinion regardless of specifics being discussed).
I think you want me to be arguing against everything so you can argue back against everything, 'raxis. My original intent was as stated above. Sorry to disappoint.
re: #2: This is a shotgun issue, and when Rage started to lose face in the Fat people Are Lazy Fat Fucks side of things, he, it seems, started in on this. Right now he seems to be going for the Too many People Are On Disability side of it, which strikes me as a silly way to back up the thesis of Fuck Those Fat Motherfucking Fucks On Disability in general, as well as in this context specifically. That so many people are on disability is OBVIOUSLY a problem. I've started two threads on it, now, ffs. I think it's a systemic issue that is more the fault of the system (well, multiple systems) than of the people gaming it, but I agree that people gaming it is also a problem.
I don't think I ever said I don't think it's a problem, I just don't think there's a simple solution, and I also do not think living on disability is as cushy as Rage thinks it is, nor do I think life is as universally easy, in general, as Rage seems to think it is.