Its not like that anymore. I'm serious. After just a little bit of research you will see that this bullshit has become a career for many. Did you know that disability spending alone is up over two hundred billion dollars since 2010?
I wonder why people are getting fatter. Could I be lack of access to nutritious food? Sedentary life style? Lack of education?
Why since 2010? Economy? Lack of opportunity. Supply and demand?
What are you taaaaaaaalking about, McJ? Eeeeeeeverybody in 'Merica has access to affordable AND nutritious food, has lots of opportunity and ability to exercise, and get a wooonnddderrffullll education! Those fat bastards on disability are fat because they LIIIKKEEEEE being fat! In fact, I think they gain weight ENTIRELY to be offensive!

Its not hard to get off the couch and go for simple walks now and again. Goddamn. Have you seen how lazy most people are?
And indeed you have a point. It is hard to get out from under the man, but check this out.
has access to affordable AND nutritious food
The food might be half poison these days, but there is WAY too much of it. People are fucking hogs elle. Don't deny it.
has lots of opportunity and ability to exercise
Yeah actually. They do. There are free gyms EVERYWHERE, and you don't even need to go to the gym. Just a little walk a day will maintain a reasonable shape. People don't even want to move, elle. America has become a country filled with Hutts. Filthy disgusting selfish human waste everywhere you look, in the physical shape of Jabba the Hutt.
Those fat bastards on disability are fat because they LIIIKKEEEEE being fat
There may be a small fraction of the obese in America with genuine medical problems. Most of them don't. This isn't to say those lazy fucks LIKE being fat either, they just don't really care. The fact that they are fat is like a dull nagging in the back of their head as the days blurr together. Accept it, Elle. Why defend this bullshit?
All the vast majority of these fatasses would have to do to get back in reasonable shape is do move their disgusting bulk around more often than it takes to eat or shit. That's ALL.